CH 16

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(282 A.C Kings Landing)

Dear Lysander,

We are truly without joy here in the Red Keep. I am sure the news has spread far and wide of my husband's abduction of Lyanna Stark. Never in the whole of my life did I think the man I trusted with my heart to steer us to war. The children have no idea what's going on, all they know is that their father has disappeared. I hate that I cannot tell them the truth though I doubt they will have an understanding of what's going on. Rhaegal clings to me at night asking when his father will practice swords as he promised. Every time I look into his sweet innocent eyes I am reminded of the pain his father has dealt not just me but my children as well.

I know I should scream, shout, and curse the gods for making the man I married fall for another, but I can't. I cannot help what wonder I did wrong, what was it that was so damn special about Lyanna?

Since news of Lyanna's "abduction," Brandon Stark has come storming into the capital demanding the return of his sister. The poor fool failed to understand the depth of the king's madness, though I doubt it would have mattered. I was there in the throne room when Aerys declared his words treason and had him arrested. As he and his companions were led away our eyes met, I could only mouth "I'm sorry" he shook his head as if to say it was alright. Pleading with the king would have only made it look as though I were complicit in the treason, though it broke my heart to stay silent.

He declared that since his kingdom was steeped in treason it was only safe for his family and my own to be prevented from leaving the Red Keep. I knew once he knew of my pregnancy it would be difficult to leave, but now it's impossible. I wouldn't be surprised if Rhaegar was hiding on Dragonstone and Aerys was preventing us from discovering his son in bed. It only pains me they're not within reach so that I might slap them both.

Not long after Brandon Stark was seized, his father traveled down from Riverrun and attempted to secure the release of his son. The spider whispered in the king's ear, now whether it was to convince the king to release him or kill him I'll never know. But what I do know is that Rickard Stark was declared guilty of treason as well, Lord Rickard then demanded a trial by combat.

Fire was declared the champion of House Targaryen.

It took less than an hour for the so-called "challenge" to be set up. Wildfire was lit beneath Lord Rickard as he hung, suspended in his armor. As the fire grew Brandon was lead into the throne room, a leather cord attached to a strangulation device was wrapped around his neck. King Aerys informed Brandon his father was a dead man unless he could grab the sword just out of reach.

The entire court watched in horror as King Aerys Targaryen laughed hysterically as Lord Stark and his son were brutally killed. It was a sight now burned into my memory forever. He then ordered the small council to write to Lord Arryn of the Vale that was fostering the now Lord Eddard Stark.

Ashara and I were painfully correct in our prediction, The Seven Kingdoms are now at war, The North, Stormlands, and Vale are now in open revolt. I have received a letter from Catelyn who is heartbroken at Brandon's death, she is now to marry Eddard and cement an alliance.

It pains me to know one of my oldest and dearest friends is on the opposing side of the war my husband started.


Amara sighed heavily as she laid her quill aside as she gazed out into the night sky. She couldn't help but wonder if her husband and his mistress were enjoying the warmth they used to share.

"Well well after all this time you still look so beautiful when you bite your lip." Amara spins at the sudden intrusion. Robert Baratheon stood in the doorway with a dark smirk gracing his otherwise handsome face. Amara stood abruptly, bracing herself against the desk. She hadn't seen Robert since well before she was married, but if he was here now it wasn't good.

"R-Robert?! What are you doing here?! You're not supposed to be here." She had a sickening feeling. He was in open rebellion against the king, he shouldn't have even been able to enter the castle unnoticed.

"I simply wished to see my old friend, is that so wrong?" As he made his way to her she realized she was pinned against the desk. There was one way in and one way out, Robert was blocking the exit.

"Present circumstances as they are, yes it is." Amara's eyes narrow as her tone hardens. He wasn't here with good intentions she knew that much. He was at war with her family and he expecting to be welcomed into the Red Keep with open arms.

"Oh, you don't really believe a few of the Mad King's tin men could keep me from seeing you?" Each step forward forced her a step back until she was all but pinned to the wall. Though she knew her husband was far away from doing what only the Seven could know to Lyanna, she prayed he would rescue her.

She turned as his face neared hers. "I wanted you for so long, your husband has made his choice, now I make mine."


Amara winced as Ashara gently cleaned the cut on her cheek. The woman had found Amara's room in disarray with Amara sprawled out on the floor whimpering in pain. Robert Baratheon had taken her by force even as she pleaded with him. With each horrifying and painful thrust, she realized there was no one going to save her. She had known love, but what he had done to her was nothing of the sort. The sweet nothings Robert had whispered in her ear were nothing compared to what Rhaegar had told her.

When he was finished with her he had kissed her forehead as tenderly as if he were her husband. He had disappeared as quickly and quietly as he had entered. Ashara had found her friend in such the state as he had left her.

"I'm so sorry Amara...I should have been here."

"......If you had he would have hurt you too." A small gurgling noise drew her attention to the small babe in her arms. She had to be strong, she needed to be, her children were counting on her. A soft knock at the door meant yet another person would know the nightmare she had been put through that night. When Jaime's head poke through and saw the state not only of his sister's chambers but his sister as well he looked furious. But Ashara had silenced him and ushered him inside, no one could know what Robert had put her through that night.

"I'll kill him with my bare hands if I must..." Her brother's anger was justified but in hast. If the King had discovered the assault on the Crown Princess his anger would be swift. She feared what would happen to herself and her children should the King turn his anger to them as well.

"No. No one can know what has happened here tonight. This secret stays between the three of us, I will have it no other way. Ashara and I will clean the room, there can be... there can be no evidence of what he did to me." She stood taking as steady a breath as she could.

"You'll need moon tea if we really mean to leave no evidence a child would be hard to overlook." Amara sighed heavily. Ashara was right, she couldn't carry the child of a monster inside of her. The birth of Daegon had told her it would be ill-advised to carry any more children. She'd had enough difficult births to tell her another one could potentially kill her. And yet her ordeal had exhausted what little strength she had managed to retain. She would take her moon tea soon enough, but not tonight.

"I wish to sleep."

"But Amara-" Jaime was cut off.

"I said I wish to sleep. I've had enough for one night." Though both Ashara and Jaime shared a look of concern. Amara couldn't be left alone in such a state, her dress had been torn and her face was tear-stained and her make-up ruined. Jaime wrapped his arms around his sister, despite being the younger of the two it was now his responsibility to protect her not the other way around as it had been their entire lives.

He would stay awake as long as it took for her to feel safe in her own home. Even if it meant he never slept again.

None of them would sleep get any sleep for a very long time.

WRITTEN: January 3, 2018

EDITED: August 3, 2021

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