CH 18

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"Momma? Momma!" Rhaegal Targaryen, heir to the Iron Throne wept as he hides in a dimly lit corridor of the Red Keep. When news of the Lannister forces at the gate his mother had taken her son and twin daughters and retreated in Maegor's Holdfast. He had seen the fear in his mother's eyes, but that had not prevented the young prince from losing his way and venturing off. But he had seen the servants fleeing, screaming, and crying as soldiers baring his grandfather's sigil filled the castle. The boy clung tight to a small dragon his mother had sewn for him before his birth. But it was a scary sight to see so many soldiers, the boy hardly understood what was happening to his family. He had seen his mother grow increasingly sad and anxious. He'd seen passing servants glance his way and whisper about the poor prince and the heavy burden on his shoulder.

The young boy held his breath as he heard approaching soldiers. The gruff voices grumbled and cursed asking where the hell the young prince could be.

"The bastard's mother is already caught, Lord Stark thinks mercy is its best course. The best course is to put the little bastard out of his misery." The young boy swallowed a whimper realizing the bad men intended to hurt him. But he let out a small noise as the voices faded realizing that they had not discovered his hiding place.

"Rhaegal!" Rhaegal's small head shot up in fear as he heard his name called. But when his eyes laid upon the face of his mother's beloved lady and friend they filled with tears. The young boy flung himself into the arms of the woman who was like a second mother to him. He paused when he saw the small bundle Ashara had wrapped around her torso. His mother's friend had a little baby boy of her own that reminded him a lot of his little brother Daegon.

"I have been looking for you everywhere! Come here..." Ashara embraced the young boy tightly, her eyes filling with tears of joy. She and Amara had feared the worst when they had discovered the little prince had disappeared.

Ashara glanced up as she heard noises pass them by. She took a scarf she had wrapped around her head and a blanket she had around her shoulders and took to bundling the boy as to hide his identity. She took the boy into her arms and disappeared down a secret passage she had discovered years earlier.

"Don't worry little one we'll be out of here soon." Ashara knew her friend would want her son to be safe with someone she trusted. She had always loved Rhaegal as if he were her own son, leaving the boy to die was not an option. He was heir to the Iron Throne and would be raised and treated as such though it would have to be in secret.

"Where's my momma?" Rhaegal asked, his young voice trembling with fear. His father was dead, his mother was now a hostage.

"She's safe Rhaegal, that is what matters. We must get you to safety." She pressed the both of them close to her as they near the exit to the secret passage. It would see them near the kitchens and more likely they would be spotted. But it was the only way to get out of the castle to the awaiting man she had sent for.

Ashara peaked out from behind a tapestry releasing a deep sigh of relief when she saw the halls were clear. She pulled the wrap tightly over the prince's face and swept out from her hiding place towards the storerooms where the door to the outside was located.

Rhaegal's heart was beating wildly as they left the castle for the last time. It was once they left the castle he smelled the smoke, heard the screams of the wounded and dying citizens, and smelled both smoke and blood. It was something the young boy would never forget, something he would have nightmares about for years to come.

He watched as the wagon he was loaded into tumbled down the hill and away from the city.

As the young boy watched his home faded into the background he can't help but wonder what had become of his mother. Ashara had told him she was alright but that did not ease the young boy's mind. His father was gone, his mother had always told him how important it was to protect their family.

"I'll protect you, momma. I'll get big and strong and I'll fight the bad guys..."

"One day my little prince, you will," Ashara promised the young prince as she pulled him close. She had promised his mother that the boy would avenge his family.

Rhaegar was a prince beloved before the fall, and it would be his son who would restore their house.

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