CH 4

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Amara woke early, intent on finding a way to worm her way into the good graces of the royal family. It had been a month since she and her sister had arrived at court, but it felt as though she had only been there a few days. She knew she had made a good first impression but she needed something more if she wanted to be chosen as Rhaegar's wife. She slipped into a comfortable yet pretty short-sleeved crimson gown with a slightly more revealing neckline that she was sure would catch someone's attention. She smiled as she gazed in the mirror while she brushed her long thick blonde hair.

She looked forward to a walk in the gardens in hopes of running into Queen Rhaella or Prince Rhaegar. Amara couldn't help but feel a tinge of pity for the queen, she couldn't imagine being married to a monster that also happened to wear a crown.

But a knock at the door quickly wiped the smile off of her face. Her handmaiden quickly rushed to the door, Amara continued brushing her hair until she heard her handmaiden's soft gasp. She turned to see none other than King Aerys standing at her door. Amara froze as she bowed, the last thing she needed was to anger the man who sat on the Iron Throne, though his temper was unpredictable.

"Your Grace! What do I owe the honor?" Amara asked as she forced a smile on her face, she prayed the king couldn't tell the difference. His yellow teeth were all too apparent when he smiled that sickening smile.

"My dearest Lady Lannister, I thought long and hard about the proposal you made some time ago." Her stomach dropped, believing that the king was talking about her subtle proposal of marriage to the prince. But her stomach dropped even further at the sound of his next words.

"You are a clever young woman, I would hate for your father to squander your talents, and so I've decided to name you to the small council. I've named you Mistress to the Crown, you will handle duties I feel the Hand is incapable of handling." Amara could hardly believe what she had heard. Just to spite her father the king had made her his hand in all but name. She felt weak in her knees it took all she had not to faint right then and there.

"Your Grace is too kind... I only hope to serve the crown to the best of my abilities." The words felt foreign in her mouth. Her father had only entrusted her with power because he was always away at court. But now she was usurping her father and his position, the thought scared her, there was no telling what her father would do when he found out.

"I surely hope so my lady." King Aerys turned his head and motioned for someone. A servant brings forth a stack of papers, no doubt royal decrees and other such paperwork the king had little desire to deal with. But as the young man slipped past her to lay the stack on her desk he hands something to the king. The king smiled as he opened the beautiful oak box, inside was the prettiest necklace Amara had ever seen.

A chain of silver and diamonds linked nine small emeralds surrounded by more diamonds a larger emerald is linked at the middle. It was a beautiful necklace indeed and only when the king asked to place it around her neck did she realize he had intended it for her.

"It once belonged to Queen Rhaenerya Targaryen. A beautiful necklace for a beautiful woman." The king took her hand and kissed it. It took all Amara had not to shudder in disgust at this shadow of a man.

"Your Grace..." Amara stuttered as she tried to think of something to say, but her mind and her mouth were failing her. King Aerys shook his head and gave her a sickening smile in return.

"You can thank me by doing your father's job for him. I need at least one competent person on my small council even if it happens to be a woman." Amara opened her mouth to speak but found herself unable to speak when the king speaks first.

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