CH 14

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The tourney was the largest Westeros had ever seen, the champion's purse was surely a considerable part of it. But Rhaegar knew it was something that would draw many great houses and ensure their presence. His Great Council needed as much support as it could possibly get, everyone agreed the king's time was coming to an end. Many knew King Aerys, having lost a great deal of sense, had refused to leave the Red Keep.

But Rhaegar had reported back the night of the opening feast the king had shocked everyone by appearing in all his monstrous glory. His hair and beard dirty and matted, his nails more like yellow talons. Amara's stomach turned at the thought of the king's sudden appearance, the couple knew it could only mean one thing.

Someone knew of their plans and had given the information over to King Aerys.

Since that night there was a sense of tension amongst the excited crowd. Those who had denied the king's madness now saw it plain as day. It only solidified the need for a new king, a better king. The royal couple kept up appearances despite Amara feeling ill, Rhaegar was tempted to leave but Amara insisted they stay.

"It would make us look weak and suspicious." Amara had told her husband, she knew how important appearances were to nobles and smallfolk alike.

Despite her ill health, Amara made sure her children saw the entire tourney. From the malee to the joust they saw each and every bit, Rhaegal and Aerion were their father's loud cheers. Rhaegar wore his wife's favor and the Gods gave strength to his arm, he smashed lance after lance, opponent after opponent. But Rhaegar wasn't the only interest the people had in the joust, late in the day on the fifth day of the tourney a mystery knight appeared. The man was clad in ill-fitting armor with a weirwood tree painted on the shield, he had challenged three of the champions and the Gods too gave him strength. But the king in his madness saw treason and ordered the Kingsguard to find the knight and either kill him or arrest him, it didn't matter to the king.

The mystery knight made the competition interesting to be sure, but it was the investiture of Amara's brother Jaime to the Kingsguard that added another level of interest. Though Jaime was not the heir to Casterly Rock, Tywin Lannister was furious. Both Amara and Rhaegar had been in attendance as her father calmly and coldly resigned the hardship her father had held for twenty years. Her father had given her a dismissive and cold look as he stalked from the room with Lysander and his family in tow. Rhaegar and Amara had gone to bed that night in silence, neither wanted to say anything that could devolve into an argument.

The tourney was in its final day, as exciting and taxing as the events Amara was more than ready for the tourney to be over. Rhaegar was fighting in the joust, Rhaegal and Aerion proudly proclaiming their father would be the victor to all who listened.

"They are proud of their father, as am I." Amara smiled at her husband as she helped to adjust his armor. She kissed his cheek, though the couple had their troubles in the past, she was pleased to call him her husband.

"Will you watch the final joust?" Rhaegar asked, something in his voice was different. Something about it confused her, did he not want her to watch?

"Yes, the children are quite looking forward to it." Rhaegar smiled, kissing her cheek. But Amara knew her husband well enough to knew he was putting on a false smile for her sake. What was he so worried about?


"Hurry mama! Hurry!" Her son sat down in the Lannister box beside his uncle. Despite Tywin's departure. Lysander insisted on staying and finishing out the tourney. It was he who had invited his sister, her children, and her ladies to sit in their box. Amara was eager to accept the offer, she had little desire to sit in the royal box with the so-called "Mad King". Lysander gave his sister a nod and ruffled his nephew's hair.

"Do you think papa is gonna win?" Her younger son asked as he turned to his mother.

"Of course, my love, your father is very strong and very quick."

"What happens if he doesn't?"

"Then we shall love and support him regardless. But your father is a prince, he will win." Her son seemed satisfied with his mother's answer and sat wiggling in his seat. Rhaegar was eager to teach both his sons the art of steel, both parents knew their sons would be skilled fighters. As the horns sounded signaling the start of the tourney Amara couldn't help but dream of her son's fighting in such a tourney one day in the distant future.

Little did she know her sons would not be fighting in tourneys as she had dreamed, but a war for the very throne on which their grandsire sat.


The day was late when it came time for the final tilt. Barristan Selmy vs Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, both men skilled in arms. But the prince's family had little doubt that he would be the victor.

And so he proved to be...

The crowd erupted in cheers as Prince Rhaegar's lance landed Ser Barristan in the dirt. Amara's smile had grown three times its normal size, her heart swelling with pride as many cheered for their prince. Amara clapped loudly as she too cheered for her husband, she watched as he was handed a winner's laurel of winter roses. Amara straightened herself as she prepared to receive the laurel and be named Queen of Love and Beauty.

Her husband rode up close, their eyes meeting for a brief moment before he urged his horse past his own wife and family to lay the laurel upon the lap of Lyanna Stark. Despite the shock and whispers that immediately erupted from the crowd, Amara remained still as a statue. Lyanna stared at the flower with surprise and fear, her eyes immediately found Amara's. But instead of the forgiving nature, she was used to from her princess, she found unforgiving ice.

Before anyone had the chance to say anything to the princess, she stood abruptly. She grabbed the hands of both her sons and all but fled from the Lannister box. It was as though she could hear nothing around her but the whispers from nobles and smallfolk alike. Amara wouldn't hear Brandon struggling against his brothers as he snarled at the prince. Robert and Cersei both brewing silently, Robert was offended at the insult to his good sister and old friend, Cersei shocked the prince would do something so foolish for a northern whore. Lysander and his wife had stood and followed his sister, the man claimed to love her and yet had just humiliated his beloved sister.

No one would forget the moment all the smiles died...


As Amara fled the Lannister box with her children she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. Why had Rhaegar done this? How long had he planned this humiliation? Is this why he was concerned about her attending the joust?

The pounding was growing louder as was the feeling of nausea. She couldn't even hear her brother calling out to her, calling for her to stop and talk to him. But Amara didn't feel like talking, she felt tired and weak, as though her knees would give out at any moment. Amara was so dizzy and distracted she had failed to notice Ser Arthur coming upon her. He took the boys away from her and handed them off to his sister who looked equally as worried.

Ser Arthur held up her chin so that Amara's eyes would meet his.

"Your Grace?" Amara blinked once, registering for just a moment where she was and who was in front of her. Her eyes filled with confusion and she opened her mouth as if to say something to him.

But her eyes rolled back in her head and she dropped into the arms of Ser Arthur.

"Your Grace!"



WRITTEN: January 1, 2018

EDITED: August 3, 2021

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