Lemon pie: Pt 2

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Now the two had many reasons to hate each other. Frisk was a genocide maniac for most of his runs before Chara finally guilt tripped him enough. He also made Papyrus cry because he was honest about the spaghetti(though Paps is now a better cook because of that). And Sans has constantly, silently hit on Chara since she got a body, tried to steal the reset, and in connection Frisk's soul, and still threatens Frisk with death.

Chara drags the two out to the party that awaits. It seems everyone but Gaster was there, who was most likely in his lab still working on some experiment. But enough about him.

The first to greet the trio was, surprisingly, Napstablook. Surprisingly because he was afraid of both Frisk and Sans.

"Hello guys," he said in his little ghost echoy voice. "Great party. Toriel wanted to make sure that you were still competing in the pie eating contest, Frisk."

Ah yes, he did remember agreeing to that. Toriel was so excited about her pies being used in a contest. And since it was a contest, there was, of course, a prize. Flowey had suggested a human soul, which both Asriel and Chara shot down post haste,  and Toriel had suggested a special pie but Frisk convinced her that everyone would have had their fill of pie after the contest. Spending half an hour on the subject they all decided on letting the winner decide, whomever that may be.

"Thanks for the reminder Nap." Frisk said. Napstablook grinned and was about to say something else when a tall skeleton ran up to the group.

"Sans! You lazy bag of bones!" the skeleton yelled at Sans.

"Hey Paps, what's rattling your bones?" Sans chuckled. Papyrus groaned at his brother's weak sense of humor almost forgetting why he came in the first place.

"Enough with the jokes! You never got the drinks for the party! How shall we quench everyone's thirst after all that pie they shall consume!?"

"Don't worry bro. Duncle Sans's has got it all planned out." Pointing to his right he showed them where monsters and a few humans were looking at a table full of ketchup bottles."

"Sans you imbecile! We are all not ketchup guzzlers like you!" Papyrus was basically steaming right now. Frisk just scoffed not expecting anything else from the laziest person he has ever had the displeasure of knowing. Chara went to the table and picked up on of the bottles to find it more liquid like than normal ketchup was. Removing the top she poured some of it's contents out to see that it was actually fruit punch.

"See? Told ya I had it covered." Sans said with a smug grin. Chara giggled at the skeleton making him blush blue a little. This did not go unnoticed by Frisk of course who did not like where this was going. He knew Chara would never leave him but Sans was a very desprate, yet predictable monster who would not be stopped by a simple 'back off'.

"Sans, you have no idea how much I hate you right now."

"Aw you don't mean that bro. You love me to the marrow." Papyrus screamed and left the group.

"Wow, that was something." Napstablook said, who was forgotten in the chaos of the drinks.

"Oh yeah, you were about to say something else Nap." Frisk said turning to the ghost.

"Oh it doesn't matter anymore. Well, good luuuuuuuuuck." Napstablook said fading away. Frisk applauded his dramatic exit. Turning around he saw that the skeleton was no longer by him. Looking around he saw that Sans had dragged Chara away by a large tree. It seemed that they were having a good time. Laughing and chatting away. He even saw Chara blush. Now if this was any other monster(humans beware) it wouldn't bother him as much. But as stated before, this was Sans, and Frisk sent every evil thought he could think of to the skeleton.

Since the contest was the last event Frisk spent the entire time with Chara while Sans tried to get her alone with him. Not happening. After a while Frisk decided to show off and replace the DJ for a few songs. Luckly he chose his music correctly least Toriel have a talk with him about 'appropriate' music.

It was all fun and games till,

"Chara, there's something I've been wanting to tell ya." Sans said. Frisk was sitting at the punch table when he heard the two not too far away. He immediately got up and walked towards the two.

"You sound serious Sans. Is something wrong?" Chara asked putting a hand on his bony shoulder. He shivered at her touch. If only she did that more often.

"Well you see-" he began but was hit in the face by an apple pie. Chara gasped and looked to see Frisk stand by her.

"Alright Sans, fun's over. I'm getting tired of you trying to make a move on Chara." Everyone, drawn in by the commotion, gasped. Except Mettaton and Alphys who already saw and knew about Sans's feelings.

"What's your deal kid? It's a free country." Sans said as he cleaned his face of pie.

"Okay how about a free ass kicking to go with your rights?" Frisk said. It only escalated from there. Chara tried to calm the situation but then words turned to shoves and shoves turned to pie throwing.

Toriel tried to stop the fight but was then hit in the face by a pie. She stood shocked for a few seconds. The time after that flaming pies were added to the arsenal. Chara tried to stop the chaos herself, being the only current sane person, but was ignored by everyone. Even Napstablook was somehow throwing pies. Suddenly Chara was hit in the face by an apple pie. Something in the girl snapped and soon every guest found themself dangling upside down by Chara's tentacles. Asgore almost pissed himself when he looked into Chara's eyes. Pure red rage with pink annoyance all swirling like a bloody mist.

"Yo that's a cool trick! Can you teach me!?" Monster Kid asked shaking and twisting in the air. Chara's eyes then turned to normal for a bit.

"Later kid. Right now all these children here need to be put on a time out." And with that Chara dished out her inhumane punishment on everyone.


Yusei: If you want a part three or something else vote and review

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