Chapter 15

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I press the doorbell and wait for Olivier to open the door. "It's so weird to actually use a front door. We never do that at home." Terrence shares with me and I chuckle. The door opens and Oli appears. "Hi." I say with a grin and he smiles back, his green eyes sparkling as usual. The sparkle vanishes when his gaze lands on Terrence though who gives him the most malicious smirk.

"Hi, I'm Terrence. I tagged along just to let you know you've got some competition in your cheesy little pursuit." he says as he shifts his weight onto one foot and crosses his arms. Olivier looks thoroughly confused for a moment before understanding spreads across his face. He throws me a glance that I can't decipher so I just smile sheepishly and mess with the handles of the plastic bag from the music store.

"Okay. Thank you for warning me, Terrence." Oli says politely and extends his hand to the taller boy. I'm so glad I'm not the only short guy out there. They shake hands and Terrence takes his leave, but not without throwing a wink at me which makes me awkwardly glance at Olivier and blush a bit.

When he's out of sight the French boy takes a hold of my hand and pulls me inside. "My family won't be back until very late." he tells me while we go to the living room. The curtains are drawn closed and the lights dimmed. Here and there I can spot some burning candles. The couch is covered entirely in soft looking blankets. A curious brush of my hand confirms their softness. Do you smell all that cheese? I sure do.

I grin and jump over the back of the couch then claim about half of the comfortable piece of furniture by remaining sprawled out on my back. Olivier looks down at me with amusement. I reach out my hand to toy with his fingers. "Thank you." I say. "This is really sweat."

My grin widens as Oli starts blushing. He raises his free hand to scratch the back of his neck and averts his eyes. "I'll go get the popcorn." he says, his voice slipping up embarrassingly et the end. When he disappears into the kitchen I decide to get more comfortable and take my shirt off. Don't ask me why, it's like an instinct. When I'm completely at ease I take my shirt off. So Oli should take it as a compliment. I start messing with the remotes and when I manage to turn on the tv Olivier comes back with two big bowls of popcorn.

He throws me a stern look as he sets the snacks down and jerks the remotes out of my hands. While he presses some buttons he seems to notice the absence of my shirt. "Where is your shirt?" he asks softly. "I like taking it off when I'm comfortable. Scientists have failed figuring out why I do that so far."

Olivier laughs and sits down at my feet. I scoot closer and rest my legs across his lap. Any form of cuddling makes any movie instantly ten times better, trust me. One of his hands starts caressing my thigh right above my knee. He sure is a lot less pushy than Terrence. Stop Reiss, you're supposed to focus on Oli. Thanks for the reminder Reiss. You're welcome Reiss.

The movie starts and I can't help but feel like an excited little kid. Okay maybe I just am an excited little kid still. But can anyone blame me? It's fucking Spiderman! I love Spiderman. Particularly now since Tom Holland plays him. Best Spiderman ever hired. Eleven out of ten.

About halfway through the movie I decide to change my position and lay my head on Olivier's lap. His hand starts patting my head and I hum in content. My eyes droop closed but it's okay, I've already seen this movie about five times since it came out. Ethan and I were obsessed with Marvel movies. I still am.

Right when I'm about to drift off completely Oli's hand leaves my hair and softly trails down my neck, over my shoulder, down my upper arm... I shiver when it settles on my hip and turn my head to look up at him. That's when I become awkwardly aware of his boner pressing against my scalp.

I quickly sit up and blush brightly. "Sorry." I mumble, still a bit dazed from almost falling asleep. "It's okay." he whispers and blushes faintly. Then he leans towards me. "Has Terrence kissed you?" he asks, his breathe fanning my lips. "Yeah, a few times..." I trail off. "I feel like a slut."

Oli frowns at my words. "You are not a slut. We are the ones forcing ourselves onto you. You just have to figure out who you like more." he says. He leans in even closer and whispers "If anything you are an angel."

Then he kisses me.

His previous kisses were calm and steady. He comforted me with his lips and made me feel at ease. But the way his lips are attacking mine now is way different. It's like he's desperate for me. His lips tugging at mine, begging for me to return his passion. They ignite a fire in my chest that has me return his feverish kisses with equal enthusiasm.

Soon Olivier's shirt joins mine on the floor. He pushes me down on my back and rests his hands on either side of my head, continuing his eager kisses. My breathing is laboured and my head is spinning. All that I can focus on is the feeling of Olivier his lips against mine. His tongue slips into my mouth and I hum when it brushes against mine. I can feel him smile against my lips. He lowers his hips against mine and rolls them. Fuck that feels amazing.

I press myself up against him and grin victoriously when I get him to moan. Our grinding continues but we keep our pants on. Eventually he groans and bucks his hips against mine harder than before. Oh shit, did he just cum? I smirk down at the French boy and ask him that very question. "Did you just cum?"

"Yes." he moans and limply lays himself down on top of me. I shift onto my side so that he's snuggly laid between me and the back of the couch. He looks at me through half closed eyes and smiles. "I really like you." he mumbles. How can he look so innocent after what just happened!? Seriously. He has that cute boy next door thing going on and it works for him. But then this happens. Get you a boy who can do both I guess.

I watch him fall asleep with a smile on my face, waiting for my own boner to die down. I'm honestly not even mad that he left me hanging. He's the real angel here, just look at that face...

My phone vibrates and I grab it up from the floor where it ended up after slipping out of my pocket. It's a message from Cynthia telling me to get my ass home. I sigh and put my phone away again. After looking at Oli's adorable sleeping face for one more time I roll off the couch and get ready to leave. I can't just leave him after this though but I don't want to wake him up and I can't keep Cynthia waiting either. I decide to leave a note.

Dear Oli,

My aunt wants my ass back but I don't want to wake you up.

Your face is seriously too cute right now.

I'm stealing the leftover popcorn.

Au revoir petit ange,


I'm such a slut, chatting him up like that. I fold the note and leave it on the coffee table with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. This is the moment where Ethan's absence hits me the hardest. He would know what to do about this situation, but I don't. I leave the house with a heavy feeling. I didn't forget the popcorn though, no worries. Priorities on point.

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