Chapter 21

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After the... blowjob I decided to not stay the night at Terrence his place. Initially he was really sad about it and slightly offended. But when I explained it was because of the awkward love square situation which I still don't know how to handle he understood, gave me a hug and saw me out.

When I arrive home I am greeted with a furious aunt Cynthia. I honestly haven't seen her this angry since the moment she found out my parents disowned me. The thing is though that this time the fury is aimed at me.

My instincts are just about to select flight mode when she barges right past me and locks the door. I honestly don't know what to do, so I just stare at my feet and try to keep from trembling. The last time I was this scared was the day my parents disowned me. I'm sensing a similarity.

"What the hell Reiss!? You've been avoiding me for almost a week! I want an explanation!" she yells. I remain frozen in place, not knowing what to do. My mind is just experiencing a complete meltdown as different memories fight for attention.

"Hey! ANSWER ME!" Cynthia shouts again and reaches out for my shoulder, but I flinch away and take some steps back in reflex. My eyes trail up to her face which is completely contorted in anger. When our gazes meet the anger fades away though and she just looks sad. "Reiss..." aunt Cynthia mumbles and reaches out slowly to touch my cheek. "There's no need to cry boy, I'm just worried."

Right before her hand reaches me I quickly sidestep her and head to my room. My door doesn't have a lock, but over the years Cynthia has learned to know when I need my space. This is one of the moments where I need my space.

I stare at my mirror and my reflection stares back at me. Looks like I really am crying. That's the second time already and I'm honestly thoroughly disappointed in myself because of it.

Despite everything that's happened today I manage to fall asleep. It's the weird kind of sleep that you wake up tired from though, like you didn't sleep at all but you know you slept. Plus my prediction was right. I feel horrible about that blowjob, and all the cuddles and kisses and affection that followed. Why did I do that? I thought I told myself I don't want to act like a slut, yet I did it again. Why are you like this, Reiss?

My hand spazzes around on my nightstand until I find my phone. I hold it up a squint my eyes at the bright screen. Looks like I'm late, oops. There's a message from Terrence though so I should check that first.

'Thnks fr th brthdy prsnt ;)'

Hah, Fall Out Boy reference, nice. But wait. Yesterday was his birthday? I didn't know that! I should've gotten him a present or something. No, he said that I got him a present already. Since when did I get him a pre- Oh.The winky face explains it all. Never mind. I text back a simple 'you're welcome' and get up to pull my clothes on and race outside. While passing through the kitchen part of our apartment I snatch an apple with me and eat it while heading to the bus.

The bus arrives at the same time I swallow the last bite of my apples. I throw the remains into the trash can and climb into the vehicle where Lucas is waiting for me with an empty seat next to him. "What, no coffee today?" he asks with a raised eyebrow, but his eyes are glued on his phone. Is he psychic? "I woke up too late for coffee." I tell him and he gives a hum. The rest of the trip is spent in silence.

Before I reach my locker the weirdest, most unrealistic cliché thing happens. Someone pulls me into an empty classroom. Seriously, since when do people do that in real life? I look up and look into a familiar pair of brown eyes and smile softly in recognition.

"Hey Tommy, to what do I owe this cliché pleasure?" I ask him with a crooked grin. He blushes slightly and pulls a hand through his hair, then grins back. "Well, I think you know..." he trails off. And I do know. I know it very well. He wants his turn for me to let him have his way with me. He wants his turn with Reiss the slut. I sigh and decide to just get it over with.

My hands grab a hold of his shirt collar so I can thug him down to my height. Then I smash my lips to his. He hums in surprise but responds right away. The roaming of his hands tells me he's quite enjoying himself, too. I just feel disgusting. Disgusted by myself. I don't want to be here. But if I really don't want to do this, why am I doing it?

As those thoughts haunt my mind I feel the need to lose myself. So I might as well lose myself in Tom for a moment.

I pull him in closer and open my mouth, allowing his tongue to roam around inside. Our torso's are pressed together and I can clearly feel him get a boner. Why can I make him react like that? Why can I make three guys react like that? No, I need to get rid of these thoughts.

My hands release Tommy's collar and I wrap my arms around him. I'm slowly trailing my fingers down his back when I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I pull away from him to which he whines in protest. In response to that I chuckle and send him a grin as I pull out my phone to see who needs me. It's Oli.

'are you at school?'

I sigh and let him know I'll be running late. Tom looks at the messages over my shoulder and laughs. Then he bites his lip and pulls me back towards him. This is going to be a long day.

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