Chapter 24

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I am currently shirtless and jumping up and down in front of the mirror above the sink in Lucas his bathroom, trying to get a good look at my waist because I'm very sure I ate too much spaghetti last night and I want to see the amount of damage it's done. Suddenly the door opens behind me right when I jump up again. A young woman enters.

"Oh dear." she says while looking at me with slightly widened eyes. "You must be the friend my brother is having over. Hi, I'm Linda." she continues and extends a hand. I shake it. "Hi." I blurt, and smile. She smiles back. "Yeah, I'll leave you be now." she says and leaves the bathroom. Awkwarrrrrrd. I continue jumping.

In the end I failed to get a clear image, but I decide to keep my breakfast as small as possible and to pass by the gym after school. I honestly wish I could skip school and go straight there. I don't like going outside when I feel even fatter than usual.

When I go downstairs and enter the kitchen I see Lucas sitting at the breakfast bar, sharing a bowl of cereal with Luna who is seated on his lap while he reads the news papers. There's a teenage boy here, reading a newspaper. Isn't that in the top ten mythical creatures? I sit down next to him with a tired smile. I mean I did sleep better here than the past few nights at home, which I'm starting to suspect was Lucas his plan with this random invite, but I'm still tired.

"You guys want some hot chocolate?" Linda asks as she enters the kitchen. "Yes please!" I exclaim happily, Lucas just hums in approval and Luna shakes her head. A child that doesn't like hot chocolate? I take my words back, I do not love her.

Linda smiles brightly while giving us our drinks. "Oli's gonna turn out right." I tell Lucas. "Right about what?" he asks. I smirk at him from behind my cup. "That you're gonna get diabetes."

Lucas almost chokes on his hot coco and glares at me. I just smile and flutter my eyelashes. He scoffs and shakes his head, then continues enjoying his drink, failing to hide his smile. Suddenly there's a pile of papers being dropped in front of me and a pen. I look down at them in shock. This looks like something worse than homework. "Could you fill in these questions for me, Reiss?" Linda requests with a wide smile. I frown and look from her to the papers and back again. "Sure." I sigh and get started.

Right before we have to leave for school I manage to finish them all. I feel kind of proud of that accomplishment. Those were some seriously weird questions though.

When we arrive at school I am almost relieved to only find Olivier at my locker instead of all three of my weirdo admirers. Turns out he's not here for me though. Lucas and him walk away out of my hearing range and start a hushed conversation. Part of me is glad that he's not focused on me, another part is ashamed for not appreciating the attention I'm receiving while others would have their head in the clouds, and another part of me thinks Olivier somehow noticed I ate more than usual and doesn't want me anymore.

I throw a look in Lucas and Oli their direction after getting all the stuff I'll need. They're still caught up in their conversation though. So I decide to just head to class already. While walking through the hallways I pull in my stomach as best as I can, hoping that no one will notice. I can't wait until school is over so I can head to the gym.

"Hey, why did you just walk off like that?" Lucas suddenly asks as he catches up with me. I honestly don't know what to say to that, so I look down, remain silent and chew on my thumbnail. Lucas frowns at me and shakes his head with a sigh. I start feeling nauseous at the thought of having disappointed him. It's been a long time since I was this insecure. I was doing fine with Ethan though. I miss the bastard.

When French class ends I try to leave as soon as possible. I want to socialise as little as possible today until I make it to the gym. But it seems Lucas has other plans. He grabs me by the shoulder and turns me around so I face him. "Talk to me, Reiss. What are you thinking right now." he says softly. His entire demeanor is just oozing worry. I don't get why. I don't get why I just blurt out the truth either. "I don't want to be here."

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