Chapter 6

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The sudden cold temperature in the room had me pull the blanket closer to my body. Still with closed eyes, my hand roamed for searching the remote of AC, generally kept on the other side of the bed beside my Dubu only to meet emptiness, the not even soft fluffy fur of Dubu, my teddy.

I blinked my eyes several times to get rid of remnants of sleep and pulled my body so that my back could rest against the headrest.

Disoriented at first, it took me several moments to realize that I was in my new home. The clock beside bed read 6 am, one hour past my usual time of waking up, seemed like medicine did work as I slept throughout without waking up in the middle of the night.

Morning pleasant sunrays along with cool air rushing in through the opened balcony door marked the beginning of new day. I noticed Eshan's absence. Where was he? Did he not sleep? Had he left too? My breath hitched and I felt my heart racing up with the same fear crawling back.

The sudden click of bathroom door caught my attention, which after a moment opened. Eshan walked out freshly showered, wiping his hair with towel humming some song, wearing black pants and vest.

Okay! He is here. He has not left.

Okay! He is here. He has not left.

I repeated in my mind trying to calm my distressed self, wiping my sweaty palms on kurta I blinked twice to assure myself of his presence.

"Good Morning, Innaya. Slept well?"Eshan wished as our eyes met.

"Hmm yes... Good morning." I replied dragging myself out of the bed avoiding his gaze. I took my clothes from the suitcase and left for the bathroom.


After taking bath and getting ready, I left our room closing the door behind me. Last night after welcoming me his family had left because of some urgency telling me not to worry about such an important day, so it was just Eshan and me.

Following the path Priya had shown me yesterday, I spotted the kitchen. Nothing in the world would have prepared me for witnessing Eshan preparing the breakfast. My feet halted near the entrance and eyes followed Eshan as he sauntered into the kitchen from the cooking marble counter to the wooden cabinet for taking out something, his back towards me.

How could the person like him be working in the the kitchen? Aren't men supposed to stay away from kitchen? I must admit it was actually very unusually good to meet a person like him. From the very start, he had been nothing less than Pandora box full of surprises, pleasant one if I may add. No one would say this was the same Eshan Singhaniya, the media portrayed as ruthless and cold.

"la mia rosa, cosa stai facendo alla porta," Eshan surprised voice pulled me out of my reverie, I straightened up immediately, I felt heat creeping up on my cheeks as the embarrassment of being caught finally dawned on me.

"What was that?" I asked, once again unable to decipher the foreign language.

"Nothing, come inside," Eshan shook his head and giving his that beautiful smile gestured me to step inside.

"What are you doing here?" I asked while walking towards him avoiding his amused eyes.

Stopping beside him, I scanned the counter where the bowl with batter, olive oil bottle, and the plate was while on pan he had spread pancake for cooking.

"What does it look like?" He questioned raising his hand holding the spatula spreader towards the counter.

"Umm... I mean-

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