Chapter 8

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I stepped outside college gate with Siya besides me while I filled her about what happened in Mr. Roy's cabin.

"So," Siya dragged out the word while arching her right eyebrow upwards.

"So what Siya, I am not sure about this. However, I will be in Mumbai at that time but I do not think I should go on with it," I answered her thinking she asked about my opinion while roaming my eyes on the papers Sir handed to me, "It will be like taking credit of something I haven't done. It's his hard work," I finished feeling bad.

"I was not talking about the conference you Idiot," Siya smacked lightly on my hand.

"What the -

I rubbed the place while glaring at her.

"Shut up Innaya. There is nothing to think about, Sir asked you because Verma Sir, who happened to be the co-author of Roy Sir's paper are going abroad for another conference at the same timeline and as he is your guide for the project so he must have put forward your name to Roy Sir. Technically as Roy Sir said, it will be a good opportunity for you," Siya informed, in a serious tone.

Could Verma Sir suggest my name? Agreed he is my project guide but recommending my name?


Siya again cut my words unaffected of my glare, "No, you aren't taking undue credit for something. You will be working on it after the exam. Chill, why don't we do one thing? You go home discuss with your husband and then decide."


Seriously? You had to interrupt me again.

"Now before you divert the topic to something else as you did before, by that 'so' I meant to ask you about your husband." Rolling her eyes Siya told me her main question

"What about Eshan," I asked confused.

Stopping abruptly Siya stood in front of me with hands on her hips glaring at me, she gritted, "YOU, are you planning on keeping your husband secret as the other information you kept from me?"

"What the-

I thought we were past that secret thing.

"When am I meeting him?" She asked again bringing my attention back to the point.

"Oh," I sighed once registering her demand.

"Oh," Siya rolled her eyes dramatically.

"Eshan?" The familiar figure of Eshan in black Armani standing against his White Mercedes door caught my attention.

What a striking contrast.

"Yes Eshan, your Eshan."

"Siya, shut up," I hissed lowly at her while dragging her towards his way.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as we reached near him.

Wasn't he supposed to be at home?

"Hello Tesoro," Eshan whispered his greetings in my ear. Wrapping his arm around my shoulders Eshan pulled me towards himself

His deep husky voice caused some fluttering in my heart, while the warmth of HIM provided the comfort of home.

"Huh," dazed I looked at his face as he squeezed my shoulder lightly, when I didn't answer.

"I said hello sweetheart. I came to pick my wife," Eshan answered, giving his that beautiful smile while taking off shades from his eyes.

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