Chapter - 12

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A/n: This chapter might get short and is from Ardeth's point of view.

Ardeth's PoV

"Go back to your missions, I'll stay back and make sure that they leave." I told my companions in arabic. They bowed their heads and did as i commanded them to do. I stayed at higher lands watching as they cleared up area after the attack. I got down from my horse, whispering him to stay as i made my way closer to the camp. My eyes set on just one person in particular, i watched as one of the Americans, which i believe is her brother, hugs her from resting his head on hers, comforting her. I hid as she turns her head my way, as she follows her brother towards their camp.

I remained in the shadows, getting little closer to them as i followed them towards their camp. I remained near the ruins, still maintaining my distance making sure my presence goes unnoticed by all of them. " Jasmine" I breathed as if it was the name that kept me alive, not the air. I saw her head snap towards the direction i was hidden in, a small smile lighting up her beautiful face , like the stars and the moon light up the night sky, only they don't hold anything as beautiful as the girl in front of me. 'you know I'm here don't you, Jasmine?' I thought with a smile.

I waited for hours as one by one all of them was asleep, i was about to more closer when i saw my Jasmine get up as walk towards my direction. She stopped by the animals giving them food, making sure they were tied up. She stood by one of the horses, caressing it lovingly. I slowly walked towards her, keeping my presence hidden from her, trying to get close to her, i was just an arms distance behind her, when i heard her soft voice say "It's not polite to sneak up on people you know." She said as she turns around. I was speechless, absolutely speechless. She was as beautiful she was when we were children, still carrying the presents i had given her but looking at her after so long, it felt like a blind man seeing beauty for the first time.

I realized how ridicules i must be looking, staring at her. I open my mouth to greet her, when she placed one finger on her lips, indicating to be quiet and moved her the ruins to a more well hidden area. Then she smiled at me, "It's been a while, hasn't it?" She said. " It certainly has been, but time seems to make you more beautiful as it pass" I said finally finding my voice. She looked down, smiling at the ground. 'Lucky Ground' I thought.  She moved back putting some distance between us, when she realized how close we were. "I'm not sure if it's me time has done a good work on, my lord." She said still not meeting my eyes. "You of all people should not be calling me that" I told her taking a step towards her as she moves back. "Well, you are the chief, it's only proper for me to call you that" She said avoiding my eyes and moving back as i kept moving towards her.

She gasped as her back hit a broken pillar and i had her trapped between, with my arms blocking her escape. "Look at me, Jasmine" I whispered to her. She shook her head, still not saying anything. I put my finger under her chin, softly moving her face up to face me as i leaned closer to her. Our eyes met and it felt like time has stopped and nothing else in the whole world matter, just the moment we're in right now. I leaned down closer, our breath mixing together as we breath as i placed my lips on her forehead, softly. "You of all people have the right to call me by my name." I said as i smile softly at her blushing face. "It's getting late, Princess, you should sleep" I said bending down as i picked her up bridal style. She gasped and held on to my neck, surprised at my action, i slowly and quietly moved towards her camp, as everyone was asleep. I slowly placed her down to the ground where her bed was made,laying her and placing her under the cover.

I kissed her forehead again and whispered "sleep well, princess" in her ear, making her go red again. As i was about to get up, a hand held mine stopping me, i looked back down at the hand holding mine and smile. "Goodnight...." She whispered quietly. I got up and turned to leave when i heard a even softer whisper saying "My Ardeth" I looked back to Jasmine only to find her sleeping peacefully with a tiny smile on the face. With that i went into the shadows again, guarding - both the place and only person who's life mattered to me.

'I'll protect you, no matter what '


A/n:- So how was it? I'm trying my best to do regular updates... i'm trying. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Thank you everyone for being patient with me and for all the wonderful comments and votes.

Coke and butterflies


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