Chapter - 16

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"Stop this, Imoteph," I said with a confidence I didn't know I had, in a language that I didn't know. My eyes looking at him without weaving. "You, of all people should know, what love means" Imoteph growled. "I know. But you don't see me going around raising the dead. " I snapped at him.

He roared and raised his arm, in which I failed to notice were daggers, and not just any, those were the scared daggers for which I truly came here for. My eyes widened as I tried to back away looking for something to attack him with. I ducked and picked a fistful of sand from the floor and threw it in his eyes.

And with that we sprinted towards the exit only to find it closed, I turned my back towards the exit, "Take him and leave, I'll make you some time" I said leaving no room for argument.

Evan removed Burns arms from his shoulder, stepped towards me. "Now is no time to be the hero, we need to get you to safety as well." I turned to look at him, nodded. We decided to save our strength and walked towards the other exits we knew of.

As we near the exit, it felt too easy. We stopped and checked our surrounding. Something was definitely not right. 'It's a trap' I realised it.

Evan took the torch in his hands, careful about his surrounding, He looked at Jasmine and they both knew. They needed to get those daggers from Imoteph, Jasmine sighed. She was aware that Imoteph was strong enough without those daggers, having them just gave him an upper hand.

They walked slowly, cautious enough to avoid the booby traps.

Suddenly the exist started to close and the passage started to squeeze as well, they ran as fast as they can carrying Mr Burns but the door was closing fast, Jasmine quickly dropped and slide to the other side. She turned fast pulled Mr Burns in, through the closing gap. Evan and Adam barely made it too, but that was a close call.

Jasmine stood up, seeing Imoteph there, 'Help me raise my love and I shall break the curse that stops you from uniting with your love' he said walking close. 'I'd wait hundreds of life if I have to but I wouldn't dare anger the gods again. It will be their mercy that shall break the curse, not yours.' Jasmine said back unafraid of the end.

She didn't notice until of was too late, Evan sneaked behind Imoteph while he was busy with Jasmine and snatched the daggers from his hand, cutting his palm in the process. He quickly threw then her way and she caught them with grace and skill, positioned herself to attack.

She decided to attack at once, successfully pushing away Imoteph from Evan and Adam ran towards Evan, as Imoteph disappeared into the sand his evil laugh echoing through the walls of this place as if he won the battle. Jasmine stood still trying to think what happened when she heard a gasp behind her, She turned only to find Evan checking while Adam tried to help him and it clicked, those daggers! They were cured before being used so even a small cut would be fatal.

Jasmine fell beside them, holding his hand, whispering spell, prayers and everything that came to her mind as tears ran down her face. Evan motioned her to come closer, she did and he whispered words into her ear before gasping for breath and fell motionless on the ground.

They just sat there, unable to proceed the situation at hand. Pain of loss consumed them to even care about the dangers of staying there longer then necessary.


Ardeth helped Jasmine up, holding her close. He brushed off her tears with his thumbs, had held her face in his hands. She was too shocked to even realise the touch or notice his arrival.

He spoke to his men with his voice filled with authority, and they set off down the passageway in the direction Rick and the others had gone while telling some men to carry Evan out, so he could get a proper funeral.

He held Jasmine close, letting her cry her pain out, this was not supposed to happen, she should have had some vision that would have warned her. Or They must have one but they would have told her, right?

Jasmine let him lead her while his men dealt with Burns, leading him along with them.

"What did Evan tell you? " Adam asked.

"To keep a cat around," Jasmine said lightly, just as they rounded the corner to see Rick and the others run right at them. His followers instantly pointed their guns at Rick.

Ardeth stepped toward Rick. "I told you to leave or die," he reminded them curtly. "You refused. Now you may have killed us all, for you may have unleashed the creature we have feared for more than three thousand years."

So they do know something about him, Jasmine realized.

"Relax, I got him," Rick said, glowering at Jasmine as he spoke. She would have flinched, knowing that he was going to have a few words with her later, but she was still grieving to care.

"No mortal weapon can kill this creature," Ardeth told him, "He's not of this world."

"Evan And I had the first-hand experience with that," Jasmine muttered, earning another look from her brother.

Ardeth moved to the side so his men could bring Burns forward. "You bastards," Daniels growled as he and Henderson caught Burns between them.

"What did you do to him?" Henderson accused.

"They didn't do anything!" Jasmine protested, just as Ardeth gestured to her. "She saved him. They Saved him before the creature could finish his work. We'll leave all of you quickly before he finishes you all," he finished.

Why did he say I saved him? Jasmine couldn't help thinking as she stared at him. They deserve the credit of saving us!

Ardeth called to his men to lower their guns, before stopping next to Rick. "We must now go on the hunt, and try to find a way to kill him."

"I already told you, I got him," Rick insisted, but blinked uncertainly when Jasmine shook her head at him.Before she could say something,  they brought out Evan's body in a makeshift streacher. Everyone was shocked by it would be an understatement. Rick instantly  looked towards his sister knowing  how close they have been since day one, noticing the hollow look in her eyes, they were red and swollen from tears, which were now dried and stained her cheeks.

"Know this," Ardeth went on seriously. "This creature is the bringer of death. He will never eat, he will never sleep, and he will never stop." He turned to Jasmine, his face instantly softened, kissing her head gently, whispering a prayer for her safety. He stepped back, "take care" and led his men towards the entrance. "Stay safe" Jasmine whispered.

She turned around to see, everyone's jaws dropped and her brother glaring at the back of Ardeth's head before shifting the glare towards her. She just started back at him, feeling too drained to feel anything but pain of the loss.

But something  in her eyes changed  behind the hollow look, there was a fire that no one but Adam saw. They both knew of the war that was coming their way and they'll  be damned if they let Evan's sacrifice go vain.


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A/n:- Compliments of the season and happy new year, people. Thank you guys for all the love and positive response as well as for being so supportive and understanding. I never expected this book to go so well. Thank you so much!!

Random fact:- Cherophobia is an irrational fear of fun and happiness.

Random fact about me:- I like walking.



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