Chapter - 14

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Jasmine's PoV


'The Pharaoh was killed by his mistress, the young princess had fallen to dead. Which left me, no longer obliged to be betrothed to the high priest.

I sat at my bed, looking over the balcony, looking at the view meant for kings and queens with countless thoughts running all over my head, there was a knock on the door, I jump up and quickly made myself decent to be in the presence of someone else, other than myself.

"Hatshepsut {pronunciation:-haht-SHEP-soot}

" Have you also come to ask how I got Our departed Pharaoh to make me his successor, then you can leave" I replied without looking at the person.

I heard footsteps coming closer to me, he appeared in front of me, kneeled down. Looking straight into my eyes, he pulled out his dagger that was considered his last resort and his most important weapon, my eyes widened as I moved back a little.

He raised his dagger, and held it in front of me, presenting it to me, then lowered his head.

"I, Ardeth, Chief of the Medjai, pledge to protect you, your kingdom and everyone under your wings, to fight for you and with you. To follow all your commands and to walk by you, I pledge my life, my love and loyalty to you alone for all eternity to come, My Princess, soon to be Pharaoh Hatshepsut.

He said every word looking straight into my eyes without blinking or breaking away. It felt like I couldn't breathe, I leaned forward and embraced him. The only one who believed in me.


The two camps were joined together for night. My brother and his good for nothing ex-friend, Beni, were roasting rat gizzards. Jonathan came over and his nose wrinkled, disgusted by the smell of it. "What is this stuff? It smells like our late friend, the warden" He said. To which my brother and Beni grinned evilly. Jonathan looked horrified while Evan and Adam burst out laughing. " It's Rat gizzards, they smell bad and tastes worse than that. But it's one of few best things the desert has to offer." I told him, making him relief of the thoughts of eating.....that, even i shuddered at the thought. My trail of thought was broken by the gloating Americans was sat down, fondling their jeweled jar.

"O'Connell, whaddya think these babies fetch back home?" Henderson said to my brother. " We heard you gentlemen found yourselves a nice gooey muumy. Congratulations." Burns said. " You know, if you dry him out, you can sell him for firewood." The American laughed.

" Don't you have any respect for the dead?!" I said, slightly angered by their comments about Evie's finding, cause in all honesty, only thing i have to do with this place is get out of here, as soon as possible. Evie walked up to us, my brother made space for her by removing Beni from beside him. She dropped a pile of dusty skeletons of Scarabs onto the ground.

I instantly moved away my legs from the near-by dropped bugs. THOSE THINGS CAN LIVE FOR YEARS LIVING ON FLESH OF CORPSE! and i do not want them near me in fear one of them might just come back to life.

Evie explained to them what they were and how in our case, our mummy was still alive when they started feasting on his flesh, shrugging it off, she looks at the roasting meat famished. While my brother and Jonathan stared at the skeletons, disgusted. "Are you saying someone threw these things in with our guy and they slowly ate him alive?" My brother questioned. " Very Slowly" I answered him emphasizing on the slow.
" He certainly was not a popular fellow when they planted him." Jonathan said. " Must have got a little too frisky with the Pharaoh's daughter." My brother joked.

"According to my readings, our friend suffered a curse" Evie started. "HOM - DAI, said to be the worst of all ancient Egyptian curses, one reserved only for the evilest of blasphemers. In no research, it is said for the curse being actually performed. If that's the case then, the scarabs were cursed with him, to forever roam the earth." I furthered explained.

"That bad, huh?" Was my brother's reply, making me give him a look, then continuing " Yes, because they feared it so much, as it is written that if the victim of the curse is ever to arise, the victim shall bring the ten plagues of Egypt with them." I explained it to them. Well, mostly to my brother and jonathan, since Evan and Adam have more knowledge of these history than i do. "The ten plagues, like , all ten of them?" My brother asked. "Yes" was all i said but they didn't bother to listen. " like that mosses guy did to that pharaoh guy?"Beni said. "Yes" again i said and again i was ignored. "that's one of putting it" was evie's reply.

"Let's see, there was Frogs, flies and locusts." Jonathan started listing it out.

"Hail and fire" Burns added.

"The sun turning black" Henderson added.

"Water turning to blood" Daniels added.

"And my personal favourite, people covered in boils and sores" Jonathan concluded.

I made a disgusted face at that one cause who chooses a favourite plague? I certainly don't.

'Please, let him go!'
'Leave him be!!'

I continued to scream as they dragged Ardeth in front of me. Rameses kept his tight grip on me as I struggle to get out of his grip. He forcefully turned me towards him holding both of my arms and shakes me.

'You know, it is forbidden!! You should be grateful that I was the one to find about this affair! You will be marrying me in fortnight. You are a Pharaoh!! You have to keep Pharaoh's bloodline pure!! I will not let anyone taint it'
Rameses calmly told me.

I knew and understood his point, Bloodline of Pharaoh is to kept pure, since I was born of a lesser favored consort of the departed Pharaoh, I was suppose to marry a high status man, most preferably Prince Rameses, that would have kept the bloodline pure.
But, this was not suppose to happen. Ardeth had no fault in this. We fell in love!

'Rameses, please let him go, please, I beg of you!'

'Forgive  me, Pharaoh, but this gas to be done'

Just as he said that, I watched in horror as they took the scared daggers and stabbed him. I fell as the shock was too much for me.

They left me sitting there, staring, unmoving, with tearing falling.
I gasped as the flashback ended. I looked over Evie and Rick as she seems to be reading from a big book, with dark black colour, my eyes widened as I realized what book that was.

"No!!" I shouted but I was too late, it seems she had finished her reading.

This was not suppose to happen. Evan pulled me up and started to run as I was to lost to focus on what was happening. My head spanned as I tried to focus myself back from the flashback.

Visions blinded my conscious but one thing was clear to me.

'This has just started, death is dancing in every corner and escapes were filled with danger.'
A/n :- Thank you for being patient with me and my slow updates.
Also thank you for all the support and love.
I will be doing faster updates now, as I am planning to rewrite and edit this story.

Random fact:- If you blow air up an Armadillo's butt, it causes them to jump 3 feet in air.(I wonder what made them want to try that)

Random fact about me :- I am a perfectionist in particular things.



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