Chapter - 22

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Once done with their task in the museum, they didn't spare a second in escaping the Imhotep's-slaves-laden place. Jasmine was beyond relief when Jonathan pulled the car up to a stop in front of them, and it didn't take long for them to pile into the car, and Jasmine found herself squeezed next to Ardeth, who doesn't seem to mind the lack of space.

It was then they heard Beni scream "Imhotep!" loudly, alerting him of their location.

Rick stood up and pointed a finger accusingly at Beni. "You're going to get yours, Beni! Do you hear me? You're gonna get yours!" he roared as Jonathan drove the car off.

"Oh! Like I've never heard that before!" Beni yelled back, but his figure was soon lost in the sea of men as they ran after the car.

"Oh, I hate him, that bastard," Rick grumbled, settling down in his seat properly.

Jasmine opened her mouth, about to say "I told you not to trust that man", but the words died in her throat when Jonathan abruptly slammed on the brakes and caused the car to skid to a stop, causing her to jerk forward but Ardeth pulled her back to him. Jasmine followed his gaze and immediately understood why he had stopped - there was a group of Imhotep's slaves standing right in front of them, blocking their way.
"Rick........" she said unsure.

"We don't have any other choice," Rick pointed out, and pressed on the gas, hard, with his foot, sending the car zooming forward into the crowd. "Hang on!" he yelled as the 'slaves' came running at them, jumping onto the car from all angles.

Jasmine gasped as she felt one of the men's arms grab her around her neck, almost choking her. She was beginning to panic, flailing her arms about but was unable to do anything something clicked, she relaxed before banging her head against the slave causing him to lose hold quickly threw him off.

Jasmine went to reach her neck but shook her head, this is not the time to dwell on such things. Ardeth was about to ask her if she was alright when another man lunged for Ardeth, and his attention was drawn away as he began battling the man.

Unfortunately for Jasmine, however, another slave came right at her. She was prepared this time, ready for the attack, reaching for her daggers when she groaned, knowing that she would have to do something that would not include killing the innocent people under the control of that creature. She made up her mind before she could change it. "Forgive me" she whispered before she elbowed him in the stomach, turned and punched him sending him flying out of the car.

"That is the second time I have heard someone apologizing before attacking their enemy," Ardeth commented, amusement evident in his eyes.

Jasmine smirked, winking at him knowing what he was talking of, She remembers that memory really well.

She didn't get a chance to say any more when she heard Daniels' panicked cry of "O'Connell! O'Connell!" behind her. She had a feeling he was addressing Rick, but she too turned to see what was wrong, only to wish that she hadn't looked.

He was being dragged off, and there was nothing anyone could do for him.

The car crashed into a stand in the street, forcing them all to escape. Jasmine stared at the ground, groaning when she saw that it was further away from her than she would like - and her brother had decided to be the gentleman for Evie, trusting her to take care of herself. She was going to embarrass herself again, that was certain...

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