Chapter 10: All Aboard

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Evan's POV

As the clock struck twelve, I was out of my office and into my Lamborghini and driving towards my mansion. Apart from the mansions I owned in Paris, Italy, London, Indonesia, Canada and Bora Bora, I loved the one in Brooklyn the most. I never called it home though. To me, a home was having someone or a family to go to, and I didn't.

Mom had already called me three times to ask if I was ready for the trip to the Cayman Islands.

Jessica roamed around the house and I headed straight for my shower. I shampooed my hair, took a long shower, and changed into a simple T-shirt and pants with sneakers.

Afterwards, I dropped Jessica off at her work place. She wanted me to be intimate with her but I wasn't into her like that anymore. The feelings had faded and I was only tolerating her presence to get rid of the feelings that were building for Jasmine.
I did not want to be involved with any of my employees.

As I arrived at my parent's home at six in the evening, my mom greeted me with a big hug. I had missed her so much.

"Hey Mommy," I greeted as I returned her embrace.

I was never afraid or shy or thought I was too manly to show my mother some affection. She was mom.

I observed her carefully, she hadn't aged one bit. She was still stunning for a woman ten years from sixty.

"Hi baby, how are you?" she asked with a pleasing smile on her beautiful face.

"I'm okay. Where's EJ?"

EJ was my little brother and my best friend, apart from Zack. I vented any and everything about my life to him and he never passed judgement like Zack did sometimes.

"Oh, he's upstairs in his room packing," Mom answered.

"Okay. Is Emily coming to meet us here or we'll meet her in the Caribbean?" I asked with a chuckle as I thought about my sister.

"She's coming here. She wouldn't miss my birthday dinner."

"Happy Birthday Mom."

"Thanks sweetie. Come on, let's go get something to eat. You look like you haven't eaten in days," she said and ushered me towards the dinning room.

Mom spoke through the intercom, alerting my brother that I had arrived. After one minute, he came running out the elevator like a frantic bull.

"Bro, you're here!" He ran towards me.

"Yeah, I'm here."

We hugged each other before sitting down, then Emily arrived.

Mom greeted her but EJ and I began to tease her immediately. We enjoyed seeing her face turned red from embarrassment. When she asked for dad, EJ told her he had passed away. Harsh! I couldn't help but laugh when she threw a panic attack at the table and made us earn a cold glare from our mother.

Dad arrived when the dinner had already started and the conversation escalated into something completely different.

Dinner was delicious though. Lobsters were my favorite thing to eat, so when I saw a huge diced lobster in front of me, I devoured everything except for the shells.

When desserts were being served, Mom's best friend Halley came over with her husband, Martin, who was Dad's best friend since forever, and their son Marquis.

I brought mom a big box of chocolates and a bouquet of red roses. I knew I sucked at picking presents for a woman, even my mom, but at least I tried, and she was happy with it. Emily bought her a perfume set from Paris. Dad got her a stunning diamond necklace and earrings. I was taking notes of the gifts that seemed to put a brighter smile on her face than mine had.

The next day it was time to our family trip. Dad owned a luxury yacht, courtesy of his deceased mother.

I awoke early and went downstairs and met Dad and the others. We flew over Long Island and got to a harbor where the boat had been docked. It was an amazing sight and I was itching to get on board.

"ALL ABOARD!" Dad yelled playfully and, at that, we rushed onto the vessel like little kids heading for the playground.

"This is so beautiful," Emily said as she walked up to the deck.

It was mid-June and the summer sun was already basking on my skin. I welcomed it. I had been buried and focused on my job and the company. I hadn't had some free time off in so long.

"It's so nice to finally spend time with my family," I conversed with my sister.

We sat down together and stared out at the horizon.

It was a beautiful day outside. The boat pulled out from the harbor and entered the open waters. The wind picked up against our skin and I smiled to myself because I knew I was going to enjoy this. The smell of the ocean sprinkled in my nose, the sun warmed my skin, and Mom gave us a chilled bottle of coconut water to quench our thirst.


I wasn't enjoying this anymore. I was tired of seeing seawater and I felt like I was going to be sick. I went below deck to my room cabin and flopped down on my bed. I missed my office already, and I missed her.

I shouldn't even be thinking about her but why can't I stop?

A knock came outside my door.

"Come in," I said.

Mom walked in.

"Hey are you alright? You're not getting seasick or anything?" she asked with concern.

She was such a great mom, always looking out for us and seeking our best interest.

"I'm okay Mom. Just doing some thinking."

"You know baby, I could tell something's bothering you. Do you want to talk about it?"

"No not really. It's nothing actually."

"You've always been so private Evan. When are you going to open up and let someone in? Why do you always have to be secretive?"

"That's just how I am Mom. I don't like expressing myself and my feelings."

"Oh so this is about a woman?"

"Ugh!" I groaned and fell back on my bed, covering my face with my hands.

"Baby, by the look on your face, I know that you're trying to fight this feeling off because you don't want to let it happen, but you can't fight love Evan. You'll lose."

"Mom, I can't let it happen. She's an employee. I don't know how someone could fall for their help." I removed my hands.

Mom looked stunned.

"I was once your father's help. And look at us today," she said after a long pause.

She left the room and left me in my thoughts.

I opened my mini fridge and took out a beer. I didn't care if I had to drink these feelings away, I couldn't fall in love with her.

I just couldn't.



Yeah right Evan! Whatever you say.

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