Breaking Down The Walls

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Jasmine's POV

I was officially six months pregnant. 

I was trying my best to lean forward and massage my own two feet. I'd been having muscle spasms, pain, and my feet were swollen because I wasn't relaxing as a pregnant woman ought to be. After the failing attempts, I gave up and laid back on the large, leather couch in the mansion's living room.

Evan took me back to his house as soon as I was discharged from the hospital. He said he wasn't taking any chances, especially since the culprit hadn't been caught. He gave my mom and Zenia the keys to one of his penthouses and said they could stay as long as they liked. 

Zenia was back in school now, and mom got a promotion at her job, so they both were usually busy.

I turned on the television and browsed through the channels.

I wonder what's Evan's Netflix password?

I turned off the television and my eyes shut, but I wasn't sleeping. 

I heard his voice coming from the front entrance, and the baby instantly started moving around inside of me. 

I sat up on the couch and pretended to be looking at the television again.

"What are you doing?" he asked as he saw me.

"Umm, nothing," I answered. Silly me, I had thrown the remote across the table and could not reach it in time, so I was looking at a blank television screen.

"You ought to turn it on," he said and did it for me. And, as if he were reading my mind from earlier, he input his Netflix password and handed me back the remote. "You ate?" he asked sharply. He hated it if I skipped my meals, and I was certain he told the chefs to keep tabs on my daily meals.

I nodded as I selected an animated movie: Brave. I loved animated movies.

"Okay." He departed for the stairs. 

I watched him walking up the steps, looking like a sexy hunk, briefcase in his left hand and loosening his neck tie with his right.

Oh, how I wish I could undress him right now.

After an hour, he came back downstairs wearing a black tank top and knee-length shorts. He sat down at the other end of the couch and threw my feet onto his lap. He popped open a tube of rubbing gel and began rubbing and massaging my feet gently as he took glances at the movie.

"You know, you didn't have to do that," I said once he was finished and my feet felt so much better.

"I know. I just wanted to." He laid back into the chair with his hands behind his head.

His manly scent traveled to my nostrils and it was taking everything in me to not climb my pregnant self onto him.

Hormones, I thought to myself and rubbed my shoulder unconsciously.

"Your shoulders are hurting too?" his voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"No. I'm fine now."

Without listening, he got up and went around the chair. I felt the goosebumps coming as his hands met my shoulder and began massaging me there, too.

"You know, you should be resting in your comfortable bed. You're looking drained," he said, almost in my ear.

"Okay," I said and got off the chair. 

He followed right behind, like my body guard. He help me into bed and turned on the television for me in the room.

"You're okay?" he asked, causing the baby to start bouncing up and down inside me again.

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