Chapter 36: The Truth And Nothing But

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Jasmine's POV

"Jasmine. JASMINE!" I heard my mother's voice calling me. The covers were yanked off from over me and I felt the coldness of the room.

"Uuugghh!" I growled like a tiger.

"Jasmine. Get up, baby. You have to go to work. It's Monday and it's already 7:30 am."

"I'm not going into work today Mamma," I said, sitting up and rubbing my eyes from the sleep still in them.

"Why? Do you have another day off?"

I hadn't told my mom nor my sister about the stupid shit I did at the gala yet.

"Mom, I quit my job," I cut to the chase. She was bound to find out sooner or later, since I was now a person of interest to the press.

"You did WHAT?" The last word rung out like a loud bell in my head. 

I shielded myself with one of my bed pillows. "I quit my job."

"And why the hell would you do something so damn stupid?"

She was mad. "Hell" and "damn" were her way of cussing out someone.

"Mom, I'm really not in a mood for this discussion. It's too early."

"I don't give a damn what time it is. You better tell me right now what has gotten into you to make you do such a stupid thing!"


"Don't 'Mom' me!"

"He was getting on my nerves and he was lying to me all along."


"My boss."

"I don't understand."

"She was involved with her boss," Zenia butted in as she walked into my bedroom.

Mom opened her mouth to say something else but nothing came out. She turned her gaze between Zenia and me then she left the room.

"You actually quit?" Zenia asked, picking up where mom left off.

"Yes! I was heated. I saw him and Jessica together and I just tripped. He punched Bradley, I took Bradley's side, and I quit." I summarized. I wasn't in the mood for going into all the details. I was feeling sick because I knew I regretted what I did.

"Jasmine, that was something really stupid you did. You shouldn't've let your emotions get the best of you like that. You should've just talked to Evan."

"Why? He was already busy with Jessica; and the fact he hadn't called me for the entire weekend, just makes me happier about my decision. He's a shell. I'd rather Bradley. At least I know what to expect from him."

"You're going to let that fraction determine your choice?"

"Zenia! This is my life and not yours, and this isn't some fairy tale, princess bullshit we used to read when we were kids! There's no happily ever after! You just have to go with the flow and that's exactly what I'm doing." I laid my head back down on the pillows. 

My phone rang. Bradley's name flashed on the screen.

"Hey sweetie," Bradley spoke.

"Hey. What's up?"

"Can we hang out today?"


"I'll be by at 2:00 p.m."

"I'll be ready."

I hadn't received a call, private message,  Whatsapp nor a video call from Evan that entire week and I couldn't be bothered. I felt happy with my decision and Bradley and I spent all week together. He took me shopping, dinner dates, to the movies and even to the beach.

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