Chapter 28: More Than Dinner

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Evan's POV

Oh hell no! I was not about to let Jessica ruin this.

"What are you doing here?" Mom asked her with an impolite frown on her face. She disliked Jessica ever since high school. And so did my twin sister.

"You're not invited here, so why don't you save yourself the embarrassment, and get lost!" Emily snapped at her.

"Excuse me," Jessica defended.

"No! Excuse YOU!" Emily blasted out.

"Everyone, I'll handle this," I said, taking a stand and approaching Jessica. I placed a hand across her back and led her out the dinning room area without anymore fights. "What were you even thinking?" My anger was rising.

"I only wanted to join you and your family for dinner."

"How did you even find out about it? I never invited you."

"Your brother posted the dinner table on Instagram and I'm one of his followers so I saw it."

"That doesn't mean that you could pop up like this Jessica. That's a form of disrespect and it's not sitting right with my mother."

"Is that because you already have a date? What is she even doing here anyway?" she snapped, putting her hands on her hips.

"I invited her," I answered.

"What! Your assistant? You've invited your assistant to this dinner but you couldn't invite me?"

"You know what, I'm not doing this with you anymore. Just leave."


I pointed in the direction of the main entrance doors. "Leave!"

She nodded her head and walked through the door while I walked back to the dinning room without another glance at her.

"Is she gone?" Emily asked with a shout.

"I'm sorry about this everyone, especially you Jasmine," I apologized.

"It's alright son, everyone knows she's crazy," Dad joked, which earned a laugh from the rest of us.

The atmosphere was cleared of Jessica's sudden interruption and dinner resumed smoothly. I held Jasmine's hand underneath the table for the entire time.

Mom had the chefs prepare fried rice with mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes with cranberry sauce or gravy, baked chicken and baked fish, vegetable salads, lasagna and macaroni pie. A fine french wine was served from Dad's wine cellar. The way Jasmine ate, I knew she enjoyed it. For dessert we had strawberry cheesecake.

"My sister and I love strawberry cheesecake," she said softly to me.

"Remind me have the chefs box a slice for her along with some dinner before we leave," I said back.

She nodded yes.

When the dessert had come to an end, and Mom and Dad, Halley and Martin began talking about 'the good old days', I excused myself with Jasmine for a tour.

"Are we leaving already?" she asked, holding my hand as we walked towards the elevator.

"No. I'm taking you upstairs," I answered.

When we got there, we went into the bedroom I occupied as a child while growing up with my parents. "This used to be my bedroom when I was a kid, before I got my own house."

She looked around, eyeing the picture of The King Of Pop, Michael Jackson, stuck on the wall. I loved Michael Jackson. Sue me.

We walked out onto the balcony and patio attached to the room. The sky held its stars in all their glory, and Jasmine was gently pulled into my arms.

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