Chapter 18: Let Yourself Out

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Evan's POV

She just rode away with that asshole Bradley and left me standing in the parking lot. What was it exactly that he wanted from her?

She had been working for my father's company for over a year and never once had I seen her with someone of the opposite sex. Now, all of a sudden, Bradley was back in town and he was so interested in having her back in his life.

Didn't he have a chance to keep her in it when she was in college?

I raked my fingers through my hair and got into my car. I drove home slowly, thoughts floating through my dreamy head.

When I got to my house -- a mansion, of course -- Jessica was standing by the gate with an angry expression on her face. She walked up to my car immediately.

"Baby I'm so happy you're here. THESE MORONS WOULDN'T LET ME IN UNLESS YOU CAME!" she screamed and stomped her feet as if she was a child.

I rolled down the car's window and my guards opened the gates.

"What are you doing here Jess?" I asked. I didn't invite her to my house.

"I came to see you. I want us to talk."

"About what?"

"About us, of course," she sounded annoyed by my question.

She got into the passenger side of the car and I drove up to the entrance.

"Baby, I missed you so much," she said as we entered my house and closed the doors behind us.

I made my way upstairs to my bedroom and she followed very close behind. I removed my Armani jacket and shirt and tossed them into the hamper.

Her hands wrapped around my waist almost immediately afterward and her face pressed against the bare skin on my back.

"I really did miss you," she said softly.

I stayed where I stood, allowing her to have her moment before pulling away.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just a bit angry at what your security did to me at the gate. It felt like I wasn't welcome here."

"Well, with all fairness, I wasn't aware that you would be here. And they're instructed never to let anyone in without my go-ahead."

"Okay. Well, can you give them the go-ahead to always let me in whenever I come over?"

"Why would I do that?" I asked, sitting at the edge of the bed.

She walked over and sat down next to me. "Because we're together."

"I really think we're moving a bit too quickly, Jessica. I don't want a repeat of what happened the last time between us."

"Evan, what happened wasn't my fault. We broke up because we chose different paths. We were younger."

"I'm not saying anything was your fault, Jessica. I just don't think that we're right for each other."

She flung herself up and hovered over me. "How can you say that? Where's all this coming from?"

"I'm fairly calling it how I see it. We broke up before, what makes you think it wouldn't happen again?"

"Like I said, we were younger and immature. Evan I love you, and I never stopped loving you. I can see a bright and powerful future for us. Becoming your wife and having your kids. Don't you want someone to follow in your footsteps?"

The thought of me becoming a dad flattened my behavior. Just picturing having a son in my arms, kissing him, feeding him, showing him how to ride a bike, handing him the keys to his first car; all the things my father did for me.

A smile came over me.

"Of course I want a family," I answered.

I just don't know if I should have a family with you.

"Me too," she replied and started running her fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp which made me relaxed and calm.

Before I knew it, she was on top of me, aiming for my zipper and kissing at my neck. I reacted to her, raising her and pinning her against my bedroom door. I kissed her neck; her sweet scent lingered in my nostrils. She let out a sweet moan and, at that, I couldn't stop myself from wanting her.

The last one night stand I had was some weeks ago so I was dying for a release.

I laid her on the bed and removed her heels and unzipped her dress. My pants had already been removed and I was now in my boxers. Her nails dug into my back when I began kissing her neck again and she groaned into my ears.

"Oh my god," she let out.

The room was letting off a golden effect from the gold curtains and interior.

Her dress slipped down her legs. She laid there in a pair of Victoria Secret lace underwear.

Jessica had a beautiful body with no flaws. Her skin was smooth as silk and she was as beautiful as she was back in high school when we first slept together. All the memories came flashing back in my head and cleared away my thoughts about Jasmine: what was she doing now? Was she alright? Was she kissing Bradley? Was she lying about going to see her mom at the hospital? What's wrong with her mom?

I really did needed a distraction from the woman I suddenly was getting heated for. She was in the care of another man.

I removed Jessica's underwear and laid over her to get into her.

"I'm ready," she snapped when she hadn't felt me inside of her yet.

I don't know what came over me, but I just couldn't. My mind wasn't reacting with my bodily functions anymore.

"Let yourself out," I found myself saying.

I stood up, leaving her on the bed in all her nakedness, and mouth wide open.

I went and took a very cold shower.

When I got out, Jessica was gone.

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