Chapter 6: Hopeful hoe

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After I was caught, I could never go home again. I would beg him to let me but he would just wave his hand and tell me to stop bothering him. He raped me on a more frequent basis. When he was mad, when he was happy, when he found a new prostitute.

After awhile I started slacking, I knew I was. I wasn't that go getter that I use to be a year ago, I mean he sucked the life out of me. I started getting complaints, alot. People would complain about how lifeless I looked. How I wouldn't suck dick right. Everything they could complain about, they complained about.

My pimp said something to me about it while beating me.

"I'm going to need you to stop slacking, make my money bitch. Or I'm taking off a percentage."

I couldn't allow him to take off any thing. I was saving money for a house and a good job. I knew I needed to get out here, somehow. I just never knew how.

One day, my old pimp came back. I ran up to him and jumped on him. He was my first love I believe, he never abused me he never yelled, he was amazing. I loved him so much and it brings tears to my eyes knowing he sold me to a bastard.

"Why do you have bruises Sabrina." He asked sternly, it was obvious he was mad.

"He beats me, badly. Why did you sell me? Was I not good enough for you?" I started crying and he hugged me.

"I had to, money was tight baby, you know how this game goes." I nodded, if I knew anything, it was this game.

"Why are you here anyways?"

"I'm buying you back." That was the happiest day of my life. I was going to get treated like a princess again.

"So a pimp, treated you like a princess?" Another news reporter asked. I nodded my head.

"For this story I'm going to need you guys to erase any preconceived notions about prostitution ring. There are some good pimps and some bad pimps. Just like there was good slave owners and bad slave owners. Yes they're both doing shitty things but one made it feel like we were living normal and one made it feel like hell." I smiled at the news reporter as she looked disturbed by my comparison.

"Anymore questions?" The judge asked. No one said anything. "Good, now Sabrina Percy I would like to hear about this luxury living you had with this pimp."

"Of course."

White PoRSchE

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