Chapter 10: Recess 2

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"So this is the man who pimped you out?" I nodded my head at the judge

"But he isn't in it anymore. He left." She looked at me and shook her head, sighing.

"I think this calls for another break, same rules apply, you have 20 minutes everyone."

I grabbed my food and went to throw it away. Just like last time Joshua was ready for me to hop in the car.

"Food again? I had food an hour ago, are you trying to fatten me up?"

"You're big enough for your age, let's go."

"Glad to know you think that." I smirked and walked in front of him swishing my hips on purpose. I heard him mutter something about teenagers and their misleading body shapes.

Before we got to his car I heard my name being called, we both turned around and sure enough it was who I expected it to be.

"What do you want, sir?" Joshua spoke up first.

"To talk to my baby girl of course." I smiled at the nick name and he grinned when he noticed.

"I can't allow that, what you two have is highly inappropriate." I frowned.

"Lets not talk about inappropriate things, Joshua." Jeremy smirked as he opened the back car door and got in. I got in front and he got in and started to drive.

He was really quiet.

"Are you ok Josh?" I looked at him, he was gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"I didn't know you were a minor! Like I said it was a mistake it was apart of the job."

"I've had a few prostitutes get arrested and when I went to their trial, the cop who arrested them did not have sex with them. Are you sure that's what happened?" Jeremy spoke up.

"Yes, that's exactly what I was supposed to do." He sounded a little unsure of himself.

"So you would have no problem with me saying that right?" I said while watching his everyone move. He was getting angrier by the second.

"Yes." His lips were tense, so was his jaw. His body language read that he was a liar but I wasn't going to comment on that.

"Ok..." I turned around to face Jeremy, he smiled at me again. He has an amazing smile.

"So, how are you?"

"Oh, amazing actually, jail food is fucking amazing."

"I swear you have the dirtiest mouth Brina." He scolded me. I grabbed a McDonald's cup that was in the cup holders up front and started sipping on it.

"Yeah, I mean look at what goes in my mouth." I smirked. "Dick."

"IS THAT MY SPRITE YOU'RE DRINKING?" Joshua said sounding shook.

I looked at the cup and sure enough it had his name on it.

I smiled at him sheepishly while he was fuming.

"Oh the bright side, the last dick I sucked was yours."

He turned the car back around.

I guess we're going back to the court.

Cant stop won't stop get guap

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