Chapter 9: Troubled hoe

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Now being the person I was, I ran up to him. Expecting the usual award of a hug from him, but no, this time he pushed me away. He immediately walked up Anesamae and slapped her. I could see her start to tear up as he yelled and pointed to me.

He knew this was all her fault.

"I told you to stay away from this spot and wait for me and this is what you do?! Get Sabrina high! She doesn't even do drugs and you just put her on a hardcore drug you dimwit! Now let's go." He yanked her from the pool table and motioned for me to follow along. "Oh and Anesame, I'm taking 20% of your earnings now." She gasped and started to full on cry when he said that.

Taking a percentage is probably the worst punishment you can get when being a prostitute. Forget beatings, forget not being able to leave for the night, all that shit is temporary. You'll still be making money, but taking away a percentage? That's permanent. You'll never get it back, it's very unlikely you'll get it back even if you have a good pimp like we did.

He threw her in the car and stared at me angrily as I wobbled to the front seat.

"I can't believe you would do something so beneath you Sabrina."

"Stop expecting so much from a prostitute, then you'd expect me to slip up." I said with an attitude.

"Baby girl, being a prostitute doesn't mean anything about your character. Other than you like easy money. I have a high standard when it comes to you. You're not like the other ones. You respect your self. You're the only one who isn't stuck up. You're humble even though you know you're the best."

"How can I respect myself if I'm fucking guys everyday?"

"Well, for the most part you respect yourself. I need you to promise me something Sabrina. Can you do that?"

"Depends on what it is."

"Promise me to get out of this, when you're 18. 17 even, just get out of this."

"I'll try. I was already working on trying to find future houses."

You see one thing I always wanted to do was design fashion. I always wanted to start a business like that, the fact that someone wanted better for me encouraged me to have a plan. See, he wasn't a bad person. He cared about people. He just did things that were, illegal.

"Yeah like slapping a minor." Joshua leaned back in his chair.

"She was a bitch. If he didn't slap her I was gonna fight her."

"Excuses, excuses."

"Ah, let's not talk about dealing with a minor Joshua." I looked at the crowd and noticed someone.


"Hi sweetheart."


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