Chapter 4

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"Absolutely not"

"Well you're not getting that weird pepperoni and pineapple thing again"

"Why not!?! That was amazing!"

"It was a concoction straight from hell"

"Your face is straight from hell"

"I have the face of an American hero!"

"An American hero with horrible taste in pizza!"  Jo quickly ducked out of the way of a flying pillow.  "Just for that I'm ordering extra pineapple" Jo quickly rushed into the bathroom and locked the door before Steve could come barging in. 

"Jo come on!" Steve continued to bang on the door as Jo opened the Papa John's app on her phone.  She quickly ordered a pepperoni and pineapple pizza and a small sausage pizza for Steve because she didn't feel like being that mean, today anyways. 

"So what movie do you wanna watch?" Jo asked skipping, yes skipping, out of the bathroom. 

"Did you really order a pizza with pineapple on it" Steve groaned, Jo smiled and nodded.  "I hate you"

"And this is the thanks I get for introducing you to Harry Potter!"  Steve rolled his eyes and plopped down on the couch.  Just a typical Friday night for Captain America and the shield agent not many people knew about. 

"So, what are you doing tomorrow?"

"Still not telling you"

"Oh, come on!" Steve groaned.  "We're partners! Why all the secrecy?"

"Because Fury said so, and besides, don't you have your own mission to worry about?"

"Yeah! One my partner is not going to be there for"

"I've already asked Natasha to go with you" Actually, Fury had a mission for Natasha that required her to go on Steve's mission, but Steve wasn't allowed to know that. 

"You know how I feel about secrets"

"You work for Shield, secrets are now your middle name" Jo countered.  Steve had no comeback for that, he knew what he had been signing up for when he joined.  The doorbell rang and Jo ran to get the pizza. 

The next morning Jo was up before sun rise. She ran into Steve, who was going out for a run, as she headed to the garage.

"Have fun on your secret mission that you will not tell me about"

"Have fun on your mission that I know everything about" Jo winked and Steve groaned as they went their separate ways.  Jo smiled at her motorcycle, well, okay it was Steve's but he wasn't going to need it today.  A burst of adrenalin raced through her as the engine roared to life.  The ride to the dinner was only a couple of hours and Jo was going to enjoy every moment of it. 

"Two cups of coffee, a blueberry muffin, and a plate of fries please" Jo ordered handing the waitress her menu.

"Fries? For breakfast? Lord help me, I might just tell Steve I'm alive so I can tell him to make you eat healthier" Jo just smirked and Phil shook his head.  For the past two years Phil and Jo had been meeting at this diner once a month for breakfast, or just whenever they could. "So, what did you tell him this time?"

"I'm on a super-secret mission that I can't tell him anything about because Fury ordered me not to" Phil laughed. 

"You are going to drive him nuts"

"That's the plan" Jo chuckled.  "So, how's your team doing? Find any more on Tahiti?"

"Sadly no, I've been denied access, but I'm still digging"

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