Chapter 16

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The church was completely packed. The choir sang as the men carried in the casket, Steve was among them. There was a large portrait of Margret Carter at the front with some white flowers, Peggy's favorite, placed around the photograph. Jo did not sit beside her father. In fact, Steve didn't even know she was there. Jo stood all the way in the back, in a corner where she remained unnoticed by the crowd.

"I would like to invite Joanne Carter, to come say a few words." The Priest said. Jo sighed and made her way to the podium.

Ignoring the surprised look on both Steve and Sam's faces, Jo cleared her throat and began to speak.

"Everyone knew Margret Carter as the founder of Shield, one of the best agents the government has ever had, a hero, someone who helped shape the world we live in today. But I knew her as Mom." Jo paused for a second, it had been many years since the last time she had talked about Peggy. It had taken an hour-long conversation with Coulson and Tony just to convince her to do this. "She may have been the person who fought the bad guys, but she was also the woman who walked me to elementary school and made pancakes every Saturday morning. She taught me how to fight and to stand up for what I believe. She proved that even in a world that seemed impossible for women to succeed in, she went against the odds and proved everyone wrong. Hell, she even bought me my first holster." This earned a bit of laughter from the crowd. "So, sure she met John F Kennedy, fought the Nazis, and is the girl who took Captain America's virginity, but even though she did all that, the best thing she ever did, in my opinion, was being my mother."

Jo took another sip from the bottle of vodka she had managed to get out of the storage closet in the bar she was now sitting outside in a back alley. One of the downsides of not aging is that you never look old enough to buy alcohol.

"How did you know she took your dad's virginity?" Sam took the bottle from her as he sat down on the ground and took a sip.

"Uncle Howard had a bit too much to drink one time when he was watching me," Jo answered taking back the bottle.

"You okay?"

"I wish people would stop asking me that!" Jo shouted.

"They ask because they care,"

"Well, they shouldn't." Jo snatched back the bottle and took a long drink.

Sam shook his head, "That doesn't mean they'll stop. Steve and I got your back whether you like it or not."

Jo ignored him and starred at a cockroach as it scurried towards a pile of trash.

"Jo, what's going on with you?" Sam asked. His friend had not been the same since Sokovia. Jo had become withdrawn, quiet, soberer.

"I'm tired..." She whispered. Jo looked at Sam and he never thought he could see such sadness in a person's eyes. "I'm so tired of fighting, and almost dying, and watching others die, and... and of living."

"Are you saying you're going to quit?"

"I don't know... maybe..."

Sam didn't know if she meant quitting the team or... worse.

"Where's Steve?" Jo asked changing the subject. The conversation was starting to head in a direction she was not ready to face.

"I left him back at the church. He didn't seem ready to leave."

"Natasha is probably with him,"

"Is there something between those two?"

"God, I hope so!" Jo groaned. "It's better than the alternative," Jo cringed at the possibility of Steve having feelings for Sharon.

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