Chapter 10

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Jo groaned in frustration as she tossed the fifth dress onto her bed. Tony's party was in three hours and she had no clue what to were. The clothes people wore these days were so different from what she was used to. Why did she even have to go to this stupid thing? Steve said she was part of the team, but it sure didn't feel like it. Jo had spent the past two days with people barely talking to her. Conversations stopped when she entered a room and some people just completely avoided her. It was like they thought she was a bomb and the slightest thing could set her off. The only people who seemed to act normal around her were Sam and Natasha. Jo looked up at the sound of a knock.

"Come in"

"Hey," Natasha smiled as she entered the room. "Having trouble?"

"Why are all the dresses so tight? And short! And why do I always feel like my boobs are about to pop out? And where am I supposed to hide weapons when wearing those things!" Jo ranted before falling back onto her bed.

"That's why you never wore them" Natasha sat down beside Jo. "Thought you might be struggling a bit, so I came to help" Nat stood up and walked over to the closet. A few minutes later pieces of clothing covered Jo's face.

"What is this?" Jo looked at what Nat had thrown her. Black leggings, a black leather skirt, and a maroon long-sleeved shirt that was cut a bit low but was not tight.

"Your favorite outfit! Plenty of places to hide weapons, not super tight, shows the right amount of cleavage so your boobs look great!"

Jo shook her head and laughed. "I don't know how we became friends, but I'm glad we are"

Two and a half hours later Natasha and Jo were dressed, makeup, and they may be a little a tipsy. Well, Natasha was, since Jo was a super soldier it was not possible for her to get drunk.

"He did not!"

"He did!" Natasha laughed. "Steve asked out your cousin"

"And you encouraged it!"

"She's hot!" Natasha shot back. "Don't worry, he hasn't made a move since."

"Tell me I at least threatened her a little?"

"Threatened who?" Steve asked as he opened the door.

"No one," The girls said at the same time.

"Don't you knock!" Jo exclaimed. Steve smiled.

"You guys should come on out, the party's starting soon"

"There better be alcohol"

"But you can't get drunk"

"A girl can dream" Jo smirked as they headed out of the room.

Jo stood up on the upper level, watching the fun. People drank, Steve and Sam played pool, Rhode was sharing a funny story, Tony and Thor were having an "My girlfriend is better than your girlfriend" contest, Barton was talking to Dr. Cho, and Jo slightly smiled at the site of Nat flirting with Banner. Natasha left the bar as Steve began talking to Banner.

"So, you still like people watching?" Sam smiled as he leaned against the railing. "How you are doing?"

"Honestly? I wish I was in sweatpants and watching Friends"

"Hey! Here's a bonus you get from losing your memory, you get to experience all your favorite shows for the first time"

"That's true" Jo chuckled.

"No, but seriously, how are you?" Sam asked again. Jo sighed and tucked a strain of hair behind her ear.

"I don't know, it's weird. Nothing in my head makes sense, it's like my brain is the world's hardest puzzle"

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