Chapter 5

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Jo entered her apartment building and went up the stairs as fast as she could without looking suspicious. She had to make sure Steve was okay. Agent Hill had called saying Fury's card had been attacked and he'd gone missing. Jo paused on the stairs at the sound of voices.

"Hey if you want, if you want, you can use my machine, might be cheaper than the one downstairs"

"Oh yeah, what's it cost?"

"A cup of coffee?" Jo had to physically stop herself from groaning in annoyance. When she had said Steve should be out making friends she did not mean Sharon! Please say no! Please say no!

"Thank you, but um, I already have a load in downstairs and you really don't want my scrubs in your machine. I just finished a rotation in the infectious disease ward, so..." Jo did a super mini happy dance.

"Oh, well, I'll keep my distance"

"Hopefully not too far" The happy dance stopped. Kate, well Sharon, knew Steve was Jo's dad! Sharon knew they were cousins! This was just wrong! "Oh, and I think you left your stereo on"

"Oh, right. Thank you" That was weird. Steve never leaves anything on. Not even a light. Jo had never known Captain America was so big on conserving energy before Steve moved here. She glanced up just as Sharon came face to face with her on the stairs.

"No" Jo whispered.

"No what?"

"You know what" Sharon rolled her eyes.

"I didn't say yes!"

"But you wanted to, we're cousins! If he hadn't died then he would probably be your Uncle!"

"But he's not!" Sharon shot back.

"The answer, is no!"

"Since when can you tell me what to do"

"One, my clearance level is higher than yours, and second, since I am your elder! Now beat it!" Jo slipped by Sharon and headed up the stairs. Steve hadn't gone in through the front door, so he was probably climbing through a window. Jo used the key Steve had given her and went in through the front. Jo quietly made her way through the apartment.

"I thought this was Roger's place" Jo froze and turned to see Nick Fury sitting in the chair by the record player, injured. Oh boy was something was so wrong! Fury typed something out on his phone and held it up, Ears everywhere it read. Jo nodded in understanding.

"I'm out of milk, figured he wouldn't mind if I took some" Jo heard a window open and footsteps, it was Steve. He came around the corner and relaxed a little at the sight of Jo and Fury.

"I only remember giving one of you a key"

"Do you really think I'd need one?" Fury asked, He sat up a bit. "My wife, kicked me out"

"Didn't know you were married"

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me"

"I know, that's the problem Nick" Steve walked further into the room and turned on a light. Jo quickly turned it back off and Steve gave her a weird look. Nick help his phone, showing Steve the same message he had shone Jo.

"I'm sorry to have to do this but I had no place else to crash" Fury typed as he spoke and showed them another message. Shield Compromised.

"Who else knows about your wife?" Fury typed again and showed them the screen as he stood up.

"Just, my friends" Only us three the screen read.

"Is that what we are?"

"That's up to you" There was a moment of silence before a bullet burst through the wall and tore right through Fury's chest. Jo and Steve each grabbed an arm and pulled Fury out of sight. He held out his hand, the flash drive with the info Natasha had retrieved in his palm. Steve took it.

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