Chapter 2: "They represent an idea. An alternative to the Emperor's rule."

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Captain Pina stood as the Imperial lander dropped from the Reaver's main docking bay. He heard the pilot confirming a successful drop from the cockpit, and a sensor alert that informed him of two other landing ships, moving to flank them with their complement of stormtroopers. Through the porthole, over the admiral's shoulder, he saw the sunlight reflect off the dark panel of a TIE fighter as it turned to start its descent into the upper atmosphere.

"We'll be entering the atmosphere in five seconds," the pilot informed them over the intercom.

Pina took a deep breath. Sometimes, crossing into a planet's atmosphere could be a bumpy business. He held the strap in his right hand tighter, preparing to brace himself.

"Nervous, Captain?" Admiral Karion remarked in the dimness.

"I've never got used to battle drops," he admitted. "Ground forces should be led by the army. If Colonel Idris wasn't on leave in the Core then he would–"

"Ah, but Idris is on leave Captain! I granted it myself." Pina felt the admiral's stare. "This opportunity will be vital to you to grow into your role. I promise you that."

The lander rocked suddenly and Pina swore silently to himself as he fought to remain upright.

"The quicker the better," Karion said with enjoyment. "We are vulnerable on our approach, Captain."

"Do you think we might be attacked? These are refugees sir. Not rebel ground units."

"It always pays to hone our skills."

The lander's engines changed tone as the shuttle entered the atmosphere. A jolt reverberated through the hull. Pina staggered, and was only able to remain upright through his hold on the strap.

"Your record lacks combat experience, Captain," Karion observed. "For someone of your rank, so recently promoted to command an Imperial Star Destroyer, that worries me."

"I passed out of the academy in the top ten of my class, Admiral. And whilst I might not have seen combat close up I have been present in support capacities. I oversaw the evacuation of the Imperial garrison from Xermes Five."

"Yes. I saw that on your record. A more critical man than myself might say you let the smugglers escape."

"Xermes Five has no breathable atmosphere, sir. Had I pursued the smugglers, the garrison would have died after the criminals crippled their atmospheric generators."

"An acceptable loss, in my opinion. They were stormtroopers and technical staff. The smugglers, however, were an unknown. Who knows what might have been discovered had they been captured. It would have been a valid trade."

"Yes sir." Pina tried to keep his voice steady. He had gone over his actions many times, and he was sure he had been right.

He decided he needed to protect his reputation.

"Pilot, confirm the TIE perimeter I requested."

"They are on course, sir. Three fighters at each point."

Admiral Karion gazed out of the nearest porthole.

"You ordered perimeter fighters on top of our escort? Why?"

"The Tarkin Doctrine, Admiral. Rule through the fear of force rather than force itself. Such a show of strength will stiffen Governor Mazier's resolve as well as put pressure on the royal family to accept our demands. And Farsalt does have a heavy duty ion cannon with an armoured shell right next to the palace, albeit an old one which Imperial intelligence believes is no longer functional. Still, one hit from that, if it does work, could cause the Reaver some serious damage."

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