Sungwoon| Airplane

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Y/n's POV

"Bye sweetie," my mom kissed my forehead.

After my break up with my ex, i started to eat less, sleep less, i couldn't even focus during classes. Guess i love him too much. So, i told my mom i'll be staying with my brother in Melbourne to rest my mind.

"Mom, don't skip your meal, sleep well too," I said to mom who's tearing up. "Speak for yourself darling." I smiled at her respond to reassure her that i won't do that, but will i?

"Flight to Melbourne, please enter gate C23,"

I hugged my mom one last time, but this time i teared up. I reminded myself that nothing's gonna happen to me or to my mom while i'm off.

I walked in the airplane nervously, it was my first time riding an airplane without my parents, my brother and even my ex. I miss them.

"Excuse me, miss you drop your boarding pass," someone interrupted my thoughts. The voice belongs to him but as soon as i turned it wasn't him. I shook my head and said thank you to the man.

"I need to stop these thoughts," i mumbled.

I searched for my seat and it was at the very end, near some of the flight attendants sit. I sat quietly, trying to make myself sleep before taking off.

I heard another voice that sounds 100 percent like him, not believing my thoughts i shut my eyes. I couldn't sleep so i just opened my eyes and just endure the pain, the nervousness, the fear.

I was annoyed that no one was actually sitting beside me. Just then, two flight attendants stood beside my seat, one of them told me that they need to fill up the spaces. I shut my eyes again and not minding them.

They sat down and buckled up their seat belt. I felt like someone's holding my hand, and the crazy part was i didn't mind it 'cause that's what i needed whenever we're taking off.

It felt like him. I miss his touch. I miss him. 

I clenched the seat handle as the airplane went faster. The person who was holding my hand calmed me down by rubbing circles on my hand.

As the airplane was already stable and the seatbelt light was turned off signaling that passengers can already unbuckle their seatbelt, i opened my eyes and looked who was holding my hand.

My jaw dropped.

My eyes became teary.

My body trembled.

"Sungwoon," the only thing that came out of my mouth. "I should go now, i need to prepare the foods," he smiled.

Why's he still nice to me? Why does he care if i'm scared or not? Why is he playing with my feelings?

A single tear dropped from my eye. I missed him. I wish he knew.

"Excuse me," someone woke me up, it was him. "Miss what would you like to eat? We have scrambled eggs with sausages and fried rice with omelet," he spoke formally.

"Fried rice," i said without looking at him. "Would you like to drink tea or juices?" He again asked.

"Coca cola,"

He handed my orange juice with a sticky note.

'You don't do well with fizzy drinks'

The sticky note made me smile.

It's passed 5 minutes and i hadn't eat my food. I wasn't hungry.

"Miss can we collect the tray now?" A flight attendant with 'Ae Ra' tag on her outfit, which i guessed that's her name.

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