Chapter 4-1

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Part 4


Chapter 4-1

The eight Generals wait in a line out the front of the armies, facing the Capital. Around them are several Benja warriors each armed with a spear and a chest plate. The treaty flag that had been flown from the Capital walls has disappeared and there is no indication that the Squids will follow up on their declaration of a treaty. But the Capital gates slowly open the barest bit and distant figures who are no more than coloured blurs at this distance step through. They begin walking towards the gathered armies.

"The faster we get this over with, the faster we can go home," Mitch mutters.

Just after they had heard of the Squid's call for a treaty, Seto had raised a very good point.

"How do we know this isn't a trick?" he had asked. "The Squids could be calling us to a peace treaty to kill us. Now I'll admit, the possibility seems tiny, but I'd rather not risk it."

"We can't just not go," Preston had pointed out.

"I'm not suggesting that," Seto said. "I'm suggesting that not all of us should go."

"What if Robert, Adam and myself go?" Mitch had suggested.

With some debate, the Generals had all agreed and so now, with the Squid delegation coming closer with every step, Mitch, Adam and Robert step out of the line of Generals and the Benja warriors form around them in a half-circle. They walk towards the Squid warriors at a normal pace with the warriors marching behind them. Adam's left hand drifts to his sword hilt but Robert stops it.

"We're not here to fight," he says quietly. "We're here to talk."

Adam takes his hand from Robert's grasp. "I know that," he says. "But if I get a Squid warrior's sword coming towards my chest, I want to be ready to stop it."

After a few minutes of walking, the Squid warriors become clearer. They are in a circle around three figures, two of whom walk slightly behind the third. Each warrior bears the slight blue tinge in their skin which separates the Squids from other people. Their burnished iron armour glints in the sun and the one walking a little out the front of everyone else has a short cape going from his right shoulder to his hips.

"That's the Squid General," Adam says quietly. "I don't know what his actual name is, I've only ever referred to him as 'Squid General'."

"That's a bit harsh," Mitch mutters.

Adam shrugs. "Referring to someone by their name is a sign of respect. I don't have respect for him. Also, he'll call me by the name 'Sky'. It's just the title for the current leader of the Sky Army."

"Who are the other two with him?" Robert asks.

"Not sure," Adam admits. "I haven't seen them before."

The two groups meet roughly halfway between the walls of the Capital and the lines of the Pack. Their escorts halt several paces behind them, watching the enemy carefully for signs of betrayal. The three Generals and the three Squid warriors continue walking until they are within a comfortable speaking distance of each other.

"General Mitchell, we meet again," the Squid General says, nodding slightly to Mitch. "Are you still interested in a peace treaty between us or are you more interested in the history of the hierarchies of armies?"

"I've expanded my scope a little," Mitchell says, a slight grin coming onto his face as he recalls the excuse he made for poking his nose into the business of the Squids. "But you still seem rather interested in peace treaties, or else we wouldn't be here."

The Squid General inclines his head slightly in acknowledgement and turns his attention to Adam. "General Sky," he says, his voice turning slightly venomous.

"Squid General," Adam replies in the same tone. The sun reflects off his black sunglasses, making his eyes impossible to see.

"I see that you have reassembled your army from the ashes."

"Did you ever think that you could get rid of us completely?"

The Squid General glares at him for a moment before moving on.

"I believe that we have not yet met," the Squid Generals says to Robert. "I am Azubi, General of the Squids."

"General Robert of the Wolves," Robert introduces. "Who are your two friends here, General Azubi?"

"These are two of my senior Commanders," General Azubi says. "Commander Ethan and Commander Sinca." The Commanders nod slightly as their name is said but make no movement to speak.

"Might we progress to the discussion of the treaty?" Mitchell says. "The sun is hot and I'd rather not stay out here for longer than I have to."

"Very well then." General Azubi crosses his arms and gives the three Generals an even look. "As you are no doubt aware, due to the fact that you have not already attacked my Capital, I have the citizens of my territory inside. I am willing to negotiate their safety and their release under certain conditions."

"Let's hear them then."

"I will hand over every single citizen, unharmed, to you for you to do with them as you please. In return, your combined armies are to leave my warriors in peace and to not attempt to attack us or to siege my Capital again."

"Your conditions don't seem to give you very much," Robert says. "Is there something else as well?"

General Azubi grins and his eyes flick to Adam. "Yes, there is one more thing. In return for the safety of hundreds - or perhaps even thousands of citizens - I want every single Sky Army recruit to be handed over to me and I can do with them what I please. If I have reason to believe that even one has not been handed over, I will kill every citizen. And that is not negotiable."

Adam's eyes widen but they are hidden behind his sunglasses. He had suspected that this would be part of the Squid's deal but the reality of hearing it still shocks him. Mitch and Robert have similar reactions, but not for the same reasons as Adam.

"May we have some time to think over your... proposal?" Mitch asks.

"Of course," General Azubi says easily. "I will be ready to hear your response in about an hour's time."

The Squid General and his two Commanders turn around and begin heading back to their white-walled Capital, whose shadow now looms over the assembled armies.

If any of you guys know German, you might pick up the joke I put in here.

I'm going to let you guys decide which book I write next. I have two possible options that I am keen for, but I'm not going to tell you what they are. All I'm going to say is this:

Would you like Herobrine to be the GOOD guy or the BAD guy?
A) Good
B) Bad

If everyone could take their vote on that poll and also on the chapter, that'd be brilliant!

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