Chapter 5-6

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For those of you who like listening to epic battle music, you can listen to the song above. It starts fairly quiet, so you might need to turn up your sound. There was also something else I wanted to say before we got on to the story, but I can't remember it.


The appointed time had come for him to leave and return to his home. He gave the Key to the vault of his hidden warriors which glowed with an inner light to a group of twelve friends, Guardians, entrusting them with the task of protecting it and his warriors from the world. He taught them many things in the time he had on this world and then he left, never to return. The friends banded together, making an oath to protect the Key with their lives and souls...

A warrior standing atop of the wall yawns and rubs his eyes, trying to wake himself. He hadn't gotten a good night's sleep for a while and it was showing, but if he is found sleeping on watching, the consequences are not pleasant. He yawns again and stamps his feet a few times, getting the blood flowing. The hand which holds his spear aches and he leans the spear against the wall in front of him and stretched his fingers a few times.

His tired eyes scan the dark surroundings. The moon is yet to rise and so the area in front of him will remain dark for quite some time. He hates being on the early night watch as he always felt that there was something sinister moving around out on the plain, although he has to admit that seeing the moon rise is quite spectacular.

He rubs his eyes again and squints at the plain then opens his eyes wide, trying to see more. In the darkness, it almost seems like the ground is moving, a slow stream moving either towards the Capital or away from it, he can't tell. There is also a low rumbling sort of sound and he sees that the wave is indeed coming closer. It nears the base of the Capital wall and he leans over, finally realising what the wave is.

"Attack!" he yells as loud as he can, but all that comes out is a loud, strangled scream as something sharp pierces his throat and he collapses over the Capital wall, his own spear tumbling after him and impaling through his back.

Mitch nocks another arrow to his bow, his eyes searching the wall. The other guards are now realising that something is up but the Stars are almost at the base of the wall, dozens of long ladders rising and clacking against it, warriors instantly swarming up. Mitch raises his bow, his aim swinging as he fires at a guard running to a ladder, probably intending to push it off. His arrow pierces the man's arm while another slams into his throat and the man falls out of sight.

"Stop stealing my shots, Duncan!" Mitch yells at someone behind him. Duncan smiles and shifts his aim further down the wall. The Benja General is very protective of his targets.

The twang of the Benja bows fills the air along with the clattering of the ladders and the sharp cries of the Squid warriors, quickly cut off. The Dead Army, the first ones to climb the ladders, are absolutely silent as they quickly establish a hold on the wall, sword out and attacking the few guards the Benjas haven't taken care of.

Mitch hears Ian's voice, startlingly loud in the night, yell "Let's get this party started!" just before a loud, low boom echoes and the gates of the Capital shake. It happens again after a few seconds as the battering ram hits the bolted gates a second time, just over a dozen Doods swinging it by ropes bolted into the surface. The rest of them stand behind the ram, their swords out and shields held over their heads to protect themselves from any stray arrows the Squid warriors might send.

The Benjas, of course, are too skilled for stray arrows.

Something small with fire coming out of the end flies above Mitch and he watches it as it disappears over the Capital walls. Barely a second later, a loud explosion is heard and the ground shakes, smoke flying up into the air. Something else small also flies up but explodes in midair in a flash of bright green. The Squids are well aware of the attack now and hundreds of them are spilling onto the wall and lining up on the streets behind the gate.

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