Chapter 5-5

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As humankind rose up against each other, he feared that they would try to gain his favour to use his elite army against their enemies. He tried to put a stop to the conflict but it grew and flourished. After much debate with himself, he cast a deep sleep over his warriors and locked them away, hiding them from the world. He shut the door and secured it, determined that no one will exploit his army and destroy all of humankind...

One week later...

Mitch sits on a rock that is conveniently shaped as a sort of seat, his chin resting on his fingers laced into a fist. He's stayed that way for the past several minutes, staring unblinkingly at the ground in front of him. The forest around him grows darker as the sun continues on its downward curve but he almost doesn't notice.

The air is filled with the quiet buzz of conversation as the warriors of the Benjas, Sorcerers, Stars, Doodz, Kippers and the Dead Army sharpen their swords and talk quietly with one another, passing the time until the advance. Mitch, however, is sitting several metres away from them, practically oblivious to their existence.

After several minutes of watching the Benja General, Seto walks up to him, taking a seat on a slightly smaller rock near him, making sure that his cloak isn't caught up under him. "What are you thinking about?" he asks.

Mitch glances to him without moving his head and then he stares back at the ground. "Are you seriously struggling to guess what I'm thinking about?"

Seto grins and tilts his head a little. "You're nervous about tonight, aren't you?"

The Benja General sighs and sits up straighter, his hands dropping into his lap. "Only an idiot wouldn't be nervous before a battle, Seto. Besides, it's been years since I've gone into a proper battle like this one. I don't want to forget anything."

"You're the second-best planner I've ever met, besides Vikk," Seto says. "Between us six Generals, we're bound to have thought of everything."

"That kind of thinking often results in an army being obliterated. Anything can happen in a battle, Seto. You have got to have thought of everything and a way to counter-attack it."

The Sorcerer General hums a bit in agreement. "Well, if you're done thinking of possible scenarios for now, we're gonna run through the battle plan one last time."

Mitch groans slightly as he stands, his knees creaking. "I'm getting too old for this," he mutters. Seto looks at him disbelievingly.

"You're... what? 29 years old?"

"Haha," Mitch says, rolling his eyes. "Try 27."

Seto made a scoffing sound. "You've got plenty of life yet, stop complaining."

The other four Generals were already waiting in the central tent when Seto and Mitch arrive. Before they have managed to grab a seat, Ty rubs his hands together and starts the meeting.

"Okay, we've got about half an hour until sundown and we'll start moving an hour after that, before the moon rises," he says. "The plan is to sneak under the cover of darkness to that long, low hill that Mitch pointed out a few days ago. When Seto gives the signal, we'll move up and attack the Capital on three sides: south where the gate is, west and north. The Stars will be carrying the scaling ladders-"

"And we'll be split up in pairs, one person protecting the other and themselves with a shield while they put the ladders against the wall and hold them there," Jason interrupts.

"And then the Dead Army and the Kippers will climb up them while my Benjas take out every Squid warrior who is stupid enough to stick their head out," Mitch adds.

"And while you guys are having fun with that," Ian says, "we'll be breaking down the gate with a battering ram."

"All of which has been assembled and is ready and waiting," Seto says. Ty throws his hands in the air a little and mutters something about why he even bothers.

Jason gives the inventor a sideways glance. The hood of his jumper is pressed up against his neck and he seems a little cold. "What have your men been working on for the past few days?" he asks warily. "I keep hearing mini-explosions and flashes of colour."

Seto shrugs casually, very obviously struggling to keep a grin off his face. "Oh, a bit of this, a bit of that, you know, just something to keep the Squids busy while we're attacking them."

"As long as you active them well away from where we will be," Mitch says. "We do not need another accident like the one that destroyed Nad'ij's stables."

"Hey, that was a one-off, something was lost in translation and that rocket was not secured properly."

"Anyway," Ty stresses, trying to get the conversation back on topic. "Once we're in the Capital, Mitch, Seto and I will go into the castle with three Benja divisions while the rest of you secure the streets."

"And when we get the Sky Army out, we get them out of the city so that the Squids don't try to take them again," Mitch says firmly.

"Definitely. With any luck, we'll be able to break through their defences before they can mobilise a defence force and get into the castle before they can kill the Sky Army. Everyone clear?"

The gathered Generals nod. It is a simple plan, but the simple plans are often the best since there are less things to go wrong. Ty claps his hands together, his green headphones wrapped around his neck like a scarf.

"Let's make sure everyone is ready to go. We don't want to give the game away until we're on their very doorstep."

A zip of excitement runs through Mitch, quickly followed by nervousness. He's never had to attack a city like this and he hates not knowing what to expect. Still, even if everything goes wrong and they have to do a plain-old frontal attack, they outnumber the Squids four to one at least. That type of encounter is certain to end badly for the Squids, yet he can't help but be worried.

In the Capital's dungeons, Adam is just as nervous as Mitch is. He hasn't heard any screams for what he guesses to be days and while he is relieved, he constantly paces in his cell, wondering what game the Squids are playing at. He doesn't want to get lulled into a sense of relaxation.

"Adam, stop pacing, you're giving me a headache," Jordan's voice says tiredly.

Adam does so and sighs, resting his head against the cool rock that forms the wall of his cell. "I'm just nervous."

"We all are," Jack says. "Only a fool wouldn't be."

"Oh, that makes me feel better," Kali says sarcastically.

In another situation, Adam would have grinned but his thoughts are too occupied. "What do you think they're planning?" he asks no one in particular.

No one offers an answer and Adam closes his eyes, his forehead becoming cold against the rock. Whatever the Squids are doing, he hopes that his recruits are safe.

Outside the Capital, Mitch crouches behind the low hill, his Benjas lined up behind him, all fully armoured with their bows in their hands. The tension is almost palpable but not a soul moves, each of the hidden armies still and waiting.

In the near-silent night, a long, low bird whistle comes somewhere from Mitch's left and he glances over his shoulder at the warriors behind him, their faces watching him with nervous anticipation.

"Let's go," he whispers, moving from his crouch up and over the hill.

If you're running low on your supply of popcorn, you've got four days to stock up cause you'll probably need it.

Oh, and it probably wouldn't hurt to stock up on stuffed animals too, cause who doesn't love stuffed animals?

Don't forget to vote and comment if you think the Guardians' plan will work or not!

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