Flashback of when hunk and lance met

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(This is just a flashback of how they met,you don't have to read it. It was kinda explained in the last chapter by hunk but if you want a better look at it,then here you go)
Hunk was excited. His parents had told him that a family was loving in next door and they had a boy that was around his age(a few months younger). He wanted to meet the boy so he would finally have someone to play with.
He looked outside to see a car pull in,in the driveway next door. His mom walked in and told hunk to come so they could meet the new neighbors.
They walked outside to see the family getting out of the car. The family looked to have a mom and dad,2 boys,and 5 girls.
He looked at the youngest boy who looked to be a bit younger than him and a bit smaller to.
The family noticed hunks family walking over
"You guys must be the new neighbors" hunks mom said
"Yes,it's nice to meet you,I'm rose McClain and this is my husband Daniel" the lady who looked to be the mom said.
"Nice to meet you as well. My name is Stacy. And this is my son,Hunk" hunks mom said
"It's nice to meet you" hunk said
"I guess I'll start oldest to youngest." She said and started to tell them the kids names.
The oldest girl was named Courtney,then was Jessica, then the oldest son Landon, then Sophia, the youngest son Lance,and then the youngest daughter Britney.
( here's an age thing for how old the kids are,including hunk
Hunk=5 1/2)
Courtney had Britney in her arms,Sophia was standing next to Jessica,and lance was hiding behind Landon.
The mothers let the kids play in the front yards. 
The 4 girls went off somewhere,leaving the 3 boys alone in the front yard. Landon decided to break the silence
"It's very nice to meet you hunk" he said
"You both as well" hunk replied
He noticed that lance pulled on his brothers sleeve. Landon crouched down and lance whispered in his ear
"Lance says that it's nice to meet you" Landon said
"Can he speak?" Hunk asked
"He can but he chooses not to. He's a bit of a shy little boy" Landon said. They talked for a long time and lance had started to warm up to hunk. The boys stayed friends for a long time and lance and hunk were glad to get to go to the garrison together.

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