The Cure

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"well what is it?" Allura asked

"well...we could put him in the healing pod." Coran said

"that sounds like a good idea...but how is it risky?" Shiro asked

"well you can get permanently injured if it doesn't heal anything. If there isn't anything to heal and this isn't a physical thing, it could hurt him, kill him maybe." Coran explained

"well how do we know if it will hurt him or not." Keith asked

"we won't know until we actually put him in. we won't be able to take him out though." Coran said

"well how hurt are we talking." Pidge asked

"well it depends. it could hurt him physically or mentally, something yo also won't know until you put him in." Coran said

"if it hurts him mentally he won't be aloud back into the Garrison right?" Hunk asked

"it depends. they let people with ADD,ADHD, and depression in, at least that's all ive seen." Shiro explained

"they changed it to if you have ADD and ADHD you have to pass a test to make sure you wont get distracted while piloting or something like that." Keith explained

"really? but Lance didn't get tested when we entered. I kinda figured he would since ti could kind be dangerous with ADHD." Hunk said

"they definitely didn't even know if they let him take Keith's spot." Pidge said

"they would have had to know, you put it on your entrance sheet." Keith said

"that explains a lot, i knew Lance should have let someone else fill it out." Hunk said, chuckling

"of course, leave it to Lance to not fill out everything." Pidge said. 

(sorry,it's kinda short and got off topic. i'll try to do better in the next chapter. and also, i dont really plan to ever end this, im thinking of when he goes back to normal, to start making cute one-shots and stuff,comment if i should do that or not. also, sorry if any of the talk about ADD and ADHD was offensive to anyone. i didn't mean to make it offensive if it again, sorry)

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