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He next morning, keith went to check on Lance and found him laying in his crib, whimpering. He picked up the small boy.
"What's wrong lance?" He asks and got a response of lance throwing up on his shoulder. He gently rubbed lance's back as he threw up. Once lance was done he cleaned them both up and headed into the kitchen, grabbing what Hunk had dubbed 'the vomit bowl' for when someone was sick.
"I wouldn't use that keith. You know what it is" Hunk warned keith
"I know, it's for lance, he threw up on me when I went to get him. I can feel that he has a fever too." Keith said
"Aww, well then I'll make him some soup. There is a recipe that his mom taught me from when we were little. Lance used to get sick a lot and this was his favorite, not to mention the only thing he would eat when he was sick" Hunk explained. He made he soup and keith fed lance. Lance didn't throw up for the rest of the day. All the Paladins found Keith asleep on the couch that night with Lance, who was curled up in a ball on Keith's chest, asleep, sucking on Keith's shirt.

(A/N four chapter in under an hour? I'm tired. This it too much for me. Dang I'm weak 😂)

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