The nightmare

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Everyone was at the table,talking about what they were going to do when lance woke up,they were that is until they heard a thump come from lance's room. Keith and Shiro ran down to see what was going on,to be faced with the site of Lance tangled up in his sheets,on the floor,crying,having a nightmare. Shiro untangled him and Keith tried to calm lance down and wake him up. Once lance was awake,he buried his face in Keith's chest,crying and shaking. They sat their with no words until lance fell back asleep. They didn't know what the nightmare was about but didn't want to ask the de-aged boy and make him upset. They carried him to the couch to let him sleep so that way they were right by him if he had another nightmare.

(Sorry it's so short again but I just wanted to get something published. I kinda need some ideas so if you want to them leave an idea in the comment section and I'll use the idea in my next chapter,hopefully. Please also leave if it's ok for me to put your name so I know if I can put your name,account name is what I mean,or if I need to put anonymous.
Example 1:
|*account name*|  |*idea*|

Example 2:
|anonymous|    |*idea*| )

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