Episode 1 "Welcome to the BAU"

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*A/N* I don't follow the story-line of any of the original shows AT ALL, I just really liked the characters so I made kind of an alternate universe I guess... It'll make more sense when you read it. So here it is -Liza :)

I run down the winding streets clutching my shoulder and run into the FBI headquarters. I run past the guards and to the criminal profiling sector. A hand grabs me and a voice says "What are you doing here?" I look up and see a tall man wearing jeans and a gray T-Shirt. "I need to see Spencer Reid, now." I say he looks at me confused and I try to run past him but he grabs my other arm and says "Slow down, you can't be in here." I shake my head and say "Let me go." He shakes his head and then I hear the so familiar voice, "Paris Ryan Reid what the heck are you doing here!" I look up and see Spencer "Hi. Spencer." I say he glares at me in that brotherly way and says "She's alright Morgan, Paris come up here" Morgan let's me go and I speedily walk up the stairs to him "What are you doing here- What happened to your shoulder?" I move my hand and it's covered in blood. "I got shot." He looks at me in fear and I tell him what happened as he stitches up my shoulder he knows I don't like hospitals.

"Bella, Amy, Chloe Let's go!" I say they come down wearing their running gear and we walk out of our apartment. We start our morning jog down through the city, "Paris have any new songs?" Chloe asks me about halfway through our run. I smile and say, "Well I do have this one but-" "Don't you dare say it's not good we love all your songs!" Chloe says and I laugh and start singing as we run to the gas station across the street. We walk inside the gas station laughing. We get our drinks and I see Bella look out the window suspiciously, "You good Bella?" I ask she turns to me and says "See that red beaten down mustang out there?" I nod and she continues "It's been following us for the past block or so." I nod and say "We'll take the long way home, just in case." She nods. Being apart of the FBI and having a brother in the FBI is amazing. We pay for our drinks and start running again, we take the super long way home and I whisper "We should split up and meet at the park." they nod and we break up, but I hear the gun click "Chloe Get Down!" I yell running in front of her, just as the bullet hits my shoulder.

"And that's how I got here." I conclude, he looks at me and says "I don't know if that was stupid or brave." I smile and another lady wearing a bright pink and blue outfit runs in "Reid I heard that we have- Oh she's here!" She walks up to me and hugs me I wince when she bumps my shoulder, she must feel me tense because she says "Oh I'm sorry! Can I get you anything? Is there-" "Garcia we're fine, thank you though." She nods and walks out "Wow." I say, he glares at me and I put my hands up defensively and say "I'm sorry she's just so... Extravagant?" His glare turns into a smile and then his eyes move to the door as another blonde lady walks in, not wearing a bright outfit but black jeans with a gray shirt. That's my kind of girl "Hey Reid just got word of a shooter on the move for young girls." She says flipping a file for him to see, I look over his shoulder and say "That's the guy that was following us!" Reid and the lady look at me and say "Really!?" I nod and say, "He was driving a beaten down red mustang, I got three number of his plate. 19H, I think" Reid looks up at the lady and says "JJ we need to get this guy put in jail." I look at him, his big brother protective face is on and I smile. He's always been so protective of me... It's kinda cute. I chuckle at the thought. "Paris do you still have your authorization badge" I smile and pull out my wallet "Never leave home without it" a huge grin comes over his face and he tosses his jacket to me.

"Reid, we need you to-" "Which one Hotch?" Spencer asks I smile and Hotch looks at me and I hold up my FBI badge. "You have a sister?" Prentiss asks he nods and I punch him in the shoulder "I'm disappointed! You didn't tell them about me!" He rolls his eyes and I say outstretching my hand "Paris Ryan-" "No way! Your famous! You've taken down a bunch of infamous UnSubs!" Garcia says cutting me off. I say while laughing "I guess my reputation precedes me" they laugh and I say "Okay so what's this guy doing?" Hotch looks at me and I smile "So this guy has been kidnapping young ladies and have been holding them hostage and torturing them. We need to find a pattern of his victims." He pulls up a bunch of photos of the girls who have been kidnapped and I look at them "Well they're all blonde" JJ says I shake my head and say "My friends Amy, Chloe, and Bella aren't blonde, he tried to kidnap us." JJ shakes her head and someone says "Wait who is this?" I turn around and see a guy walk out of a room "Rossi, this is Paris... my sister." Spencer says I smile and he says "Well she sure does look like you. Who's older?" I side glance Spencer and he says "I am." I glare at him and he smiles and says "By ten minutes" I shake my head and say Nine minutes and Fifty Six seconds" he laughs and I roll my eyes. "Alright so we..." Hotch continues I zone out and stare at the photos "Singers" I whisper, Spencer nudges me and says "What was that Paris?" I double check the photos and say "They are all singers, he wasn't trying to kidnap my friends... he was trying to kidnap me." Spencer gives me a death stare, he knows what I'm thinking... of course he does, how do I fool a MIT grad? I don't "You're not going undercover." I roll my eyes and say "You know I'm the only one who can get in there." He bites his lips and starts pacing Morgan looks at me and says "How would you propose we do that?" I quickly think of something and then say "Send me back to my apartment, with an earpiece that has a tracker in it. You set up a tail when I get kidnapped-" "How do we know when you get kidnapped?! Paris I don't want to lose you again!" Spencer exclaims, I go for a snappy remark but JJ stops us. "Spence, we give her a code word. It's going to be alright." I sigh and Garcia says "Pink, will be our code." Spencer shakes his head and Morgan says "Spencer, we need to do this or other people will die" He reluctantly nods and says "Alright, fine, but I'm on that tail" The group nods and I get changed. JJ drives me to my apartment, I smile and walk inside.

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