Episode 4 "Copycat"

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*A/N* I don't follow the story-line AT ALL. Not to mention I did tweak a lot of the things in the original Criminal Minds episodes as you must've noticed so if you don't like me following it exactly (B/C i'm not following it) sorry :) 

(Spencer's P.o.v) "Alright so today we have been given reports of a black minivan with tinted windows in neighborhoods in the middle of the night." "And they're never seen again?" I ask and Rossi nods, Paris walks in the room with a bunch of files and books, "You know this isn't the first time the tactic has been used. Kidnapping is a lot easier at night." We all look at her and she says "What? I kidnap my friends all the time! Oh Yeah I just realized how bad that sounded. Sorry." we smile and Hotch says "How do you know that it's a kidnapping usually we hear a ransom note or something." She nods and says "That's just it we have a copycat on our hands but this man is taking it a step further." I look at her confused "Remember your sandman case a few years back?" I nod and say "he went into houses and super glued sand to the parents of the victims eyes to keep them in the dark." She nods and says "Well this man is taking the basics of the plan but a step kind of backwards kind of forwards." "How is that?" I ask she nids and sets the books down and says "So he isn't blinding the parents because the parents aren't home... that's how he takes it backwards but he jumps it forward by stalking the subject for weeks then when he does kidnap the subject he leaves a high tech hourglass on the subjects bed." I nod and JJ says "So how do we find the kidnapper?" I nod and Paris walks over to the board "So each pin is all the houses that belong to the victim." She puts down six pins in a shape of a hexagon. "That's our pattern, now here's another way he took it a step further. Seven is the number of members in the original Italian mafia, you know what the original symbol was?" I nod and say "A hexagon with a dot in the middle connecting all the corners together." She nods and I toss her a ruler, she measures out the exact middle and draws a dot and connects it to the corners. Man my sister is smart, I smile and she says "That's where our next victim is going to be." Rossi and Morgan look surprised and JJ smiles. I chuckle and say "That's my sister." She smiles and Hotch says "How long do we have until he attacks again?" I look at Paris and she looks confused "Well each attack has been exactly on the 7th 17th and 27th on every month so our most recent attack or kidnapping was on the 17th this week... So we have until the 27th of this month." Paris turns to the board and I know that look, aanndd she starts twirling her hair. "Paris what is it?" I ask she raises her finger to shush me, I roll my eyes and a couple seconds later "He's getting my old apartment." She says "Aren't your other friends on campus?" I ask she nods and then says "All of them except for... Chloe." No not Chloe! Chloe is Paris' best friend if she leaves oh man... I can't think about it. Paris' expression gets hard and Morgan says "Who's Chloe?" I bite my lip and Paris, who hasn't looked away from the board, says "She's my best friend." Morgan still looks confused and I say "She got shot in the shoulder protecting Chloe." Paris and Morgan nod and JJ says "Alright, let's do this." We drive to the apartment and Paris says "Okay, let me go to the door... I'll wave you over." We nod and she gets out of the car and goes to the door

(Paris' P.o.v) I bite my lip and knock on the door. Chloe opens it and gives me a hug, "Paris!" She says I smile and hug her back "I missed you to." She pulls away and I say "Can my friends and I come in?" She looks at me confused and says "Why?" I sigh and say "You are in trouble and we are here to help you." Her confused expression changes to worried and she says "Come in." I smile and wave them in. Spencer, JJ, and Morgan come out and walk to the porch "Chloe this is Agent Morgan and Agent Jareau." "And I know Spencer." Chloe says Spencer smiles. We step in and sit down on the couch "So what's going on?" Chloe asks and of course Spencer starts "Well so we have heard of a lot of kidnappings by a copycat who is now going after you so he can-" "So he can prove the person who he is copycatting that his first plot was inefficient." I finish, he glares at me and I give him a look that intends to say 'if-you-continue-I-will-kill-you-myself' I think the message went through. Chloe puts her hand to her mouth and says "So what do I do?" I look at Morgan and he says "Paris will stay with you until we catch this man, we have reasons to believe that you are his next target. So if you go anywhere Paris will be following." Chloe nods and I say "Hey on the bright side I can be your lab partner." She smiles and JJ says "Morgan and I will set up severity cameras, to be safe of course." Chloe nods and I say, "Why don't we go get a pizza or something?" Chloe nods she smiles and I say "Get the cams set up and we will be back." they nod and I walk out with Chloe to the pizza place

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