Episode 1 (Book 2) - "Back to Work"

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*A/N I'm not going to do the long A/N notes on every chapter so here you go! Book 2 of Awkward and Schizophrenic*

(Spencer's P.o.v) I wake up in the morning next to JJ. "Good morning." I whisper, she smiles and says "Good morning, Spence." She smiles and hops out of bed. She walks into the bathroom and soon I here the shower water running. I check my phone and go to text Paris, but I realize that she probably still is asleep. I put my phone back on the desk. JJ comes out all dressed and ready. I slide out of bed and hop in the shower myself

I walk inside the office with JJ. "Sup guys?" Morgan says when we walk in. I smile and just sit down at my desk. I open the file that lays down on my desk and Paris walks in almost like a ghost and sits down silently at her desk. I walk up over to her and she is typing on her laptop at the speed if a hummingbird. "You good?" I ask she nods and I glare at her in my brotherly way and without looking up from the computer she says "I'm fine I swear." I look down to her hand and she still has her ring on. "Paris-" "No, okay! Just stop please." She says closing her laptop and walking to the coffee machine. I go to follow her but JJ grabs my arm and says "Let me go talk to her." I look back to Paris and say "If you could that would be great." she nods and walks up to Paris.

(Paris' P.o.v) I stick the mug under the coffee machine and the warm brown liquid pours out. I take the warm mug out and take a sip just as JJ rounds the corner "What kind?" She asks grabbing w mug. "I get the caramel with a lot of cream." She smiles and pours some of a different kind "Spence likes that kind." I nod and take another sip. "How was your honeymoon?" I ask, she smiles and says "It was really good. We went to England." I nod and sat "That sounds really fun." I say she smiles and says "So... what's up." She says before taking another sip. I nod and say "I'm just really tired." She gives me a knowing glance, sets down the coffee, and gives me a hug. "When I was going through my divorce Emily and Penelope let me stay with them." She whispers I nod and say "But I'm not going through a divorce-" "I know but they are just a lovely energy to be around and are a great comfort." I nod and start to tear up. She must feel it because she rubs my back. "You have gone through so much. And you are only 22." I cry even more and she says "Let me go ask Penelope. I'll be back." I nod and sit down back at the table and sip my coffee. Soon JJ comes back with Penelope. "Come here baby." She says outstretching her arms. I smile and go into her embrace. "I just really miss him." I whisper. She nods and says "I know you do. After this meeting come with me and I'm going to take you to all of your favorite places." I smile and she takes my hands and leads me into the conference room.

On the board is some pictures of weapons the body of the victim and some buildings. "So we have an assassin on our hands?" I ask "Well technically we have a psychotic serial ki-" "Reid!" Morgan exclaims I sigh, I like my brothers facts. "So we have Morgan, all three of the Reids on ground." I nod and we instantly move into a group together. "And we'll have Hotch, Prentiss, and I in the back if anything goes wrong we'll be there to help." I nod and say "Sounds good!" they nod and we split into our groups to drive to the suspects house.

"Alright who wants to go in first?" I ask and no one steps up and I look down at my black converse.. Oh would you look at that... I missed a loop. "I will." Morgan says I nod and Spencer says "I'll go second." I smile and say "I'll go third." JJ smiles and says "I'll be behind you guys." I nod and Morgan kicks the door down and walks in. Spencer follows and then I slide in. "Ag it's dark." Spencer whispers I chuckle and whisper back "Still afraid of the dark?" he nods and I walk into a different room. An office... pretty nice, very neat. I open some files and flip through the pages. Nothing interesting just things we already knew. I look through drawers and hear a crash. My head jerks up hitting it on the cabinet. I run out of the room and down the hall... "JJ?" I say, but she's lying there, "Jennifer!" I repeat louder. "Shots Fired JJ is down!" I scream I cover my mouth. Spencer and Morgan rush in the room and I back away. I walk into the kitchen and see a dark figure out of the corner of my eye I run in and pull my gun out "Put your hands in the air!" I yell he turns around and puts his hands in the air but he's backing away from me to the window "Stop! I have permission to shoot!" I say, He laughs and says "You wouldn't shoot me." I smirk and say "I think you underestimate me." I aim down, close my eyes, and shoot him in the leg. He yells out in pain and I handcuff him to the heat vent. "Paris are you okay?!" Morgan yells running in. I nod still holding on to my gun. I feel like my knees are on the verge of giving out. What's going to happen to JJ? I put my face in my hands and whisper "I just shot someone, and who knows what's going to happen to JJ" I feel arms wrap around me and I look up and It's Morgan. "Hows JJ?" I ask he smiles "Don't worry we got her to an ambulance in time." I nod and he says "Go see her she should be at the hospital by now Spencer went in the ambulance." I nod and walk out and to the truck. I sit in the driver's seat and hit my head on the steering wheel. I could've done something more.

I pull into the hospital parking lot. With the dried blood on my hands I run down the parking lot and down the halls. I run past the receptionist and up the stairs. I run past a nurse and say "Jennifer Jareau Reid?" She nods and points back to the operating room. I nod and run down the hallway to the window. I grab a chair and stand on top of it so I can look through the window. I sit down outside the window and think.

(Spencer's P.o.v) I sit down in the room they assigned to JJ. I fiddle with my band and think how wonderful that day was, Paris really went all out and it was beautiful. I felt like nothing could go wrong that day. Now I feel like that with everything that's happened that I will never lose JJ... if I'm going to lose anyone I feel like it would be Paris.

They wheel JJ back in two hours later. I walk to the side of her bed and grab her hand. The doctors walk out. And soon she squeezes my hand. "You're alive." I whisper she nods and says very hoarsely "Yeah I'm alive, I wouldn't leave you like that." I smile and sit down on the bed next to her. We get talking she drinks 4 bottles of water and gets an hour of sleep then Paris walks into the room. "Is she asleep?" Paris whispers I look over at JJ and say "Yeah, how are you?" She nods and says "I feel bad." I nod and say "We all do." She sits down next to me on a bench and she says "There are so many people who I want in jail." I nod but say "Like who?" She nods and says "Tobias, Max..." she continues to list people and I say "Yeah, me too." She nods and JJ stirs and wakes up. "When do I get discharged?" She whispers I smile and say "Give it a couple days or so." she nods and she falls back asleep. I look over at Paris and she is fiddling with her ring. I go to say something but I don't. "Did you catch him?" I ask instead, she nods not looking up from her ring. I smile and she leans her head on my shoulder and her breathing slows as she falls asleep.

Awkward And SchizophrenicOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora