Episode 6 - "Happy Day"

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*A/N: Its the last part of AWKWARD AND SCHIZOPHRENIC!!! Im starting a second book to it and I will pusblish It when I have finished it :) So without further ado "Happy Day"*

 I wake up two weeks later, back in Spencer's apartment. I look over at my alarm "Crap it didn't go off!" I jump out of bed "How could I have slept in until noon!" I open the closet and pull on the navy blue sleeveless lace dress. I run to the bathroom and do my makeup, I take my meds and run downstairs. I grab my shoes and run down the streets trying to put on the white flats as i'm running. "Sorry!" I say accidentally running into people, finally I make it to JJ's house. I take a minute to catch my breath then I knock on the door "Paris you made it!" JJ says opening the door I smile and say "I couldn't be late." she smiles and leads me into her house. "I'll do your hair if you do mine?" I ask she smiles and nods I sit down on a stool, she braids my hair to the back of my head and the rest in a messy chignon. I smile and gesture for her to sit down she smiles and sits down I pull her hair back but it gets caught on my ring "Ow." She says "I'm sorry! It's just caught on my ring." I say sliding the ring off and carefully getting it out of her hair. "Can I see it!" JJ says I nod and hand her the ring Neal gave me. I braid some of her hair in a crown around her head and pull the rest in a messy bun on the back of her head. She turns to face me and says "This ring is beautiful!" I smile and say "Neal gave it to me." Her mouth turns downward and she says "You still miss him?" I smile and sit down on a stroll across from her, "I really do." She smiles and grabs my knee "You said yes right." I smile and say "Yes JJ I said yes... Now it's your turn to say 'I Do' and you better. I would love to have you as a sister in law." She laughs and I help her stand up "Oh will you do the reception music?" JJ asks me, I smile and say "Have my playlist ready." she smiles and we walk out of her house. A black convertible pulls up and Prentiss says "JJ, Paris get in." I smile and open the door for JJ. She slides in and I jump in next to Garcia... "Okay I feel weird calling you by your last names, can I call you by your first names?" They laugh and say "Yes." I sigh "Good." they laugh and Penelope says "But Derek likes to still be called Morgan." I nod and say I'm just asking you guys I feel like Rossi, Hotch, and Morgan suit them better." They laugh and JJ says "True that!" We laugh and pull in the grassy sunflower filled lot that we rented. Rossi and Morgan are draping the white cloth off of a tree. They climb down and I run up to them saying "Nice job, don't put the ladder down though." The nod and back away from the ladder I grab some of the white lace cloth on the decor table and scissors. I run over to some sunflowers and cut some, I fashion three mini bouquets and climb the ladder. I reach to the three corners and tie a bouquet to each of them then I climb down and step back. "There." I say they smile and I say "Got to go back to JJ." They smile and Morgan says "I should get back to Spencer." I smile and we run to the tents we set up and I hear Rossi in the back round "C'mon Man and Maid of honor your supposed to be on it." I laugh and walk in the tent. "Awe you look so pretty!" I say she smiles and Emily scoots back and I hear the piano start playing, I smile and take JJ's hand. "Alright let's go." She smiles, I fix her veil and I walk out the back, I walk around the people and find my place next to Morgan and Emily and JJ walk down the aisle.

(Spencer's P.o.v) Prentiss walks down with JJ. I smile as Prentiss passes JJ off to me and goes to sit down next to Garcia on the bridesmaid row. I smile and look at JJ she smiles back and Rossi starts -Rossi is qualified-, "Friends and family we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Jennifer Jareau and Spencer Reid. If anyone has any objections Speak now or forever hold your peace." No one speaks. Rossi continues "Now for the vows. Spencer.." I nod and face JJ "JJ you are my best friend, you always have and always will be. I promise to always- always love you. When i'm here physically, mentally and when i'm not. I promise that I will always support you and your decisions, I love you so much and I will do everything I can to protect you." Rossi nods and turns to JJ "Spence, you are my best friend. You always have been. The day you walked in the office I smiled and said to myself 'that guy looks so nerdy." I chuckle and she continues "I got to know you and you are really nerdy but that's one thing I love about you. You say random facts all the time and I find them interesting. I will be by your side on every case I can, I will love you when we are together and when we are apart I promise to support your dreams and to respect our many differences. I love you so much." I smile and Morgan hands JJ's ring to me and Paris hands my band to JJ I smile and slide her ring on her finger and she slides the band on my finger "Alright Spencer you may kiss the bride." I smile and kiss JJ it feels just like our first date, minus the rain of course I sit down on the long table with JJ, Paris, and Morgan. I smile and Paris stands up, "Excuse me." she says sliding past us I smile. She grabs a fork, glass, and the mic. She taps the fork to the glass and she says "Oh that's cool." we laugh and Paris continues. "Alight, my name is Paris. Yes I am Spencer's brother but JJ had me be the maid of honor." I look over to JJ and she smiles "The first time I met JJ, I kind of broke in to the FBI building... but it was for a good cause. I saw JJ and I thought 'wow that girl is amazing!'" I chuckle and Paris continues "I dragged her into a lot of crap, like the one time where she had to drive me and a friend to a house, we were fugitives causing a manhunt at the time." Rossi and Hotch are laughing I turn to JJ and she is as well. "So you know after she helped us get off of the manhunt I never thought that I would be standing here 2 years later watching the wonderful lady who has grown to be a sister for me-" I start to tear up and Paris wipes some tears away "JJ has been like a sister to me since the day I stumbled through those doors. The day Spencer came home that night that he proposed to you, he was crying. Not the sad cry the wonderful happy cry. From what I've heard from Morgan, Hotch, Emily, and Penelope.... You two are perfect for each other. You better take care of each other, now that you're both my siblings. I can be a royal pain. But in all honesty I love you both and I'm so glad you get to spend forever together."

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