Episode 4 (Book 2) - "Home"

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(2 Months Later, Paris’ P.o.v) The cold night air brushes against my face as I walk down the streets of New York. I soon hear police sirens  getting louder, I look around and then hear an ear splitting noise. Gunshots I run into the alleyway and see a tall man with blonde hair pointing a gun at a dead body “Put the gun down!” I yell he turns to face me “Paris?” He says, I straighten my back and say “Darren you don't have to run.” He shakes his head and aims his gun at me “Darren please, just put the gun down.” I say still not lowering my gaze to the dead body. The police sirens get louder and I soon see the lights. “Paris you don't know me, I have to do this.” I shake my head and say “Darren I do know you, we went to rehab together remember?” he nods and tears burn my eyes “Darren please just put the gun down, I don't have mine.” He nods but still doesn't lower the gun, I hear police doors close and I say “Darren don't I want you to be safe but murder is not the answer.” he nods and I see a tear roll down his cheek. “Excuse me ma’am you need to move.” A police officer says “I can't he has his gun on me, if I move he shoots.” I reach into my pocket and toss the officer my badge without taking my eyes off of Darren. “Darren as an agent of the FBI I ask you to stop.” I say, his eyes grow wide in terror “Please, just put the gun down.” He shakes his head and adjusts his grip and pulls the trigger I duck down and the bullet grazes my arm. I cry out in pain and Darren runs down the street and starts climbing up the apartment ladder. Some police officer rush up to me and I say “Don't pay attention to me go get him!” They nod and I look at my arm, The bullet isn't in my arm so I hold my hand to my arm. One officer stays and says “I'm the chief of police, we need to get you to your house. Can you come in tomorrow for a report?” I nod and he hands me my badge. “Nice to meet you Agent Caffrey.” I nod and he takes me back to my house.

    I walk inside and Neal rushes up to me and says “Are you okay?” I nod and say “I'm fine, I need a bandage but I'm fine.” He hugs me tightly and I say “Now about that bandage…” He nods and rushes to the bathroom and comes back into the living room with our first aid kit. He pulls out the cotton and gauze and wraps it around my arm “Any chance that you could run me to the police station tomorrow?” He nods and we walk back into our room. I lay down after getting my pajamas on and pull the blanket over my shoulder. Neal comes in and lays down next to me. “Goodnight.” He whispers in my ear. I smile and whisper “Goodnight.” He kisses me on the cheek and turns off the lamp. I wake up before Neal and I walk into the bathroom. I turn on the shower and pull off my shirt and see the scars that line my back through the mirrors reflection. I sigh and undress and slide into the warm shower. I scrub my hair and wash up, I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around me and I walk to the closet. I grab my blush pink shirt and my black jeans and get dressed. I blow dry my hair and put my makeup on. I slide my makeup back in my bag and Neal walks in. I smile and he says “Good morning.” I nod and say “Good morning Neal.” He smiles and I walk out of the room and downstairs. I feel a tap inside my stomach and I smile. I slide a bagel in the toaster and walk to the fridge to get some of the smear I bought from Einstein Bagels. Neal comes downstairs and my bagel pops out of the toaster and lands on the plate. “We really need to fix that toaster.” Neal jokes I laugh and say “It's nice actually now I don't burn my hand trying to get things out of it.” He smiles and I kiss him on the cheek he pours himself a bowl of cereal and we sit down at the table. I eat and he smiles at me “What?” I ask he laughs and says “You are the most beautiful girl in the world.” I smile and say “There's going to be another in your life.” His jaw drops and I say “I'm pregnant.” He bursts into a smile and I say “It's a girl too.” He hugs me and I smile. “What are we going to name her?” He asks and I say “I want her to have Jennifer as her middle name, and I was thinking something unique for her first name.” He smiles and says “What about Adrianne?” I nod and say “Adrianne Jennifer Caffrey does have a nice ring to it.” He smiles and says “We could call her AJ for short.” I nod and say “We can't tell JJ her middle name until little Adrianne is here.” He nods and says “What about godparents?!” I laugh and say “Slow down, it's okay we still have 8 months to figure all the kinks out.” He nods and calms down I smile and say “I still have that police thing today though.” He nods and we clean up breakfast and head out the door.

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