punctuated souls

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  It started with full stops lining on my mind, for he was not allowed to cross my boundaries. Slowly, the full stops melted into hesitating smiles and glimpses of semi colons on my heart's walls and that's when I thought I could and I might let him cross my walls.

 And before I knew, there were mere commas separating us, separating our souls which were dying to clash against each other and make love. But something about that day changed the entire grammar rules. 

When he kissed me on forehead and said he's confused, there were not only exclamation marks in my tummy but also a huge question mark floating within my heart's walls. 

All the punctuation marks were blown away that day when he held my hand and said I had turned the confusing blank verses in his veins to a soothing song with rhyme and rhythm. Now there was just a white space between you me. 

And today, I do not fear to close in the space. As I pushed aside the rules of grammar, our souls collided and there was just youme.  

Author's Note: 

This poem was written in mere five minutes, ig. And I kinda like it. What are your thoughts on this? Do comment your interpretations and thoughts. I love to hear them. :') Have a lovely day.

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