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Can you let me rest my head on your lap
And sing me to sleep?

Teach me how to smile once again and laugh,
Teach me how to forget to weep.

Sing poetry to me written on the skies and lakes
Which have survived the test of the ages.

Soothe my stormy soul and my fractured heart
And heal my broken bones and rough edges.

Scream the devils to silence, call over angels
Let's make a heaven on the face of the fading day.

Ask time to dig its grave and die
So that we can love endless and stay.

Remind me how it was when we were together,
When the end hadn't come to exist.

Yesterday's memories are stuck in my lungs
I can't breathe any more air to persist.

Hold on to me, till I fall asleep and even beyond
Don't leave me when comes the daylight.

I know forever is long, but let's try
So we can let each other to flower and fight.   

* * *

Author's note: 

Poem written way back in 2017. It was lying in my drafts, so just thought to show this baby some daylight. :')

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