17 | nepenthe

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17 | nepenthe
something that can make you forget grief or suffering

dedicated to nightqueenss

dedicated to nightqueenss

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BREAKING UP WITH someone over text was never easy

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BREAKING UP WITH someone over text was never easy. But then again, this wasn't exactly a break up. Nor was it exactly over just text.

It was the end to something that never should've happened. It was the end that would allow a new beginning to emerge - the new beginning that I needed.

London Waterloo station was heaving with people. With Christmas in two days, the herds of people from all different aspects of life were rushing back home to get ready for the celebrated holiday. One man frantically organised his four children as they all tried to run through the ticket barrier at once, while a couple kissed goodbye before going their separate ways. The huge building was lit by the overcast sky - perhaps, for the first time in years, it would snow. The air was bitterly cold for a Winter evening, sending a chill down my spine, despite the amount of layers I had put on to keep the cold out. The air smelt of bitter coffee and cinnamon, an aroma that I welcomed with open arms. It reminded me of home, of Christmas, of the apple crumble my mother would always make instead of Christmas pudding because both Hannah and I hated the classic dessert. The glass above my head was splattered with raindrops from the light shower earlier, and the sun had finally bid the world goodbye behind a veil of grey clouds. 

I checked the time on my phone as I waited by the entrance to London Waterloo East station, wondering when he would arrive. Hannah was waiting by the entrance of platform eleven for me, the train to Poole leaving within the next twenty minutes. She had offered to wait for the man with me, but I had declined. I had told her what I was going to do, and she had left me to do it on my own.

The time was ten past six when he arrived, his suit hidden behind a long black coat that somehow managed to make the man even more attractive. His wounds had healed almost miraculously, and a few warm showers later, the blood had been completely scrubbed off his body until it was as though the other night had never happened.

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