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thank you

thank you

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thank you so, so fucking much to every single one of you that came on this journey with me, read every word, lived through the ups and downs of Damora, and gone through heartbreak with me. it means so much to me - so much more than i can express in words.

just know that i bloody love every single one of you! thank you for reading, commenting, voting. i hope you enjoyed this little book as much as i loved writing it.

a big shout out to all the people who made beautiful covers for this book! there are so many, but a special thanks for bitchmafia kolsmikaelson dankfabio - i love every single cover, gif, everything you've made and i hope to make up for it one day <3

thank you to my day one readers, and new readers, and the readers who have stuck with this book despite the late updates. halfley nightqueenss kolsmikaelson bitchmafia dankfabio this goes to you <3 this book would not be completed without you.

i know that there are quite a few things i would change if i wrote this again, but i am glad with how it panned out. originally, damon was going to be the villain who compelled cora, then it turned to nathan. up until the chapter where nathan died (15), nathan was going to be the villain and take harry's role at the ceremony in chapters 16 and 16.5. as well as this, i would include more action, and flesh out the beginning so it's less confusing, so i'm sorry if any part of the story didn't make sense. if there's any improvements you'd like to suggest, i'm happy to hear it :)

what was your favourite bit? favourite scene?

who was your favourite character?

i love you all. thank you <3

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i was originally planning to write a sequel called hollow bones. although the plot is finalised, i have decided to not write it just yet. i'm going to focus finishing frost and backbone, as well as get halfway through devil's game before i start to write the sequel.

however, if it ever does pop up, be expecting lots of damora ;) the book will be a lot more action packed and feature Purebloods - the 'first vampires.' and yes, it is indeed inspired by the originals, but will be completely different with a lot more plot twists than solar veins. i can't wait to write it, but sadly finishing my other novels is my first priority. 

beautiful cover by bitchmafia <3

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beautiful cover by bitchmafia <3

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other works

alaska → rogue werewolf novel | featured | completed
frost → werewolf novel | featured | on hold
yesterday i was a star → teen fiction | #freementalhealth | completed
backbone → multimedia thriller | shortlisted for the wattys | on hold
devil's game → paranormal novel with angels and demons | coming soon

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one last big thank you and lots and lots of love,

lotte xx

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