to the ends of the earth

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Mother warned me about boys like you
bad boys
but I fell in love with you anyway
I fell in love with your combat boots and leather jackets
I fell in love with the way you smoked
cigarette dangling from a corner of your lip
like some 18th century baron

I fell in love with the way you smiled
a corner of your lips lifting up
I fell in love with the way you talked
your slender artist fingers gesticulating in the air

I fell in love with the way your jeans hung from your lanky waist
and the casual arrogance that surrounded you
like nothing in the world mattered

mother said boys like you broke hearts for fun
nut I gave you mine anyways
I gave you in all its red, beating glory
and you smashed it on the floor like an angry toddler
but I still loved you with all the broken pieces

I had a dream that you got on a plane and left
I thought it was a nightmare
until you called me from the airport
and asked me to come with you
and I said I would
I'll follow you to the ends of the earth and back
God, I would.


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this poem. This poem is the inspiration behind the novel I'm currently writing; "To Love and Be Loved."

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