cover girls don't cry

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There they go. Long legged and graceful, with porcelain skin and silky hair. Like flamingoes in neon light.
They'll tell you about the diets and exercise. But they wont tell you about the trips to the surgeon and the needles that went into their jawlines. Or the food they once loved but would never dare to touch.

You haven't seen them fretting over the scale, trying to find the perfect figure correct to the decimal. They pay more attention to their weight than an accountant does to his figures. Their world is desire objectified.

Don't listen when they tell you cover girls don't cry.
Let me tell you this; Love yourself.
Love yourself until you can feel a glow from within. Like there is a flock of fireflies in your chest.

Love every inch, every acne.
Love every flab of skin and every misshapen tooth.
Love every stretch mark and every scar.
Because they are your stories and they are yours to tell.
Even the most ordinary things can look extraordinary from the right angle.
You can be your own cover girl and you can cry.


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