Chapter Ten: Halloween Night

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The sky was a fine blanket of soot, clouds the colour of wet ash hiding the divine watchful gaze of the lucid full moon. Stars speckled across the canvas like snowflakes in the night, forming constellations overseeing every little moment in time. The night sky was a welcoming sight to the students of Bullworth Academy. Shadows danced as the night grew, darkness surrounding them as the icy chill of wintry wind blew straight into the frosty bones.

'I regret getting her that outfit. Everyone keeps staring at her!'

Gary was a sullen mess, grumbling with an annoyed huff of his chest with every step he took. Eden smiled, unknowing of his gaze on her, feeling the wind blow her curls into a tousled mane.

"You've got me 'hooked' on you, girl!" Vance Medici chuckled out, finding his pirate outfit prime flirting material.

"Oh stop it, Vance." She chided playfully at the corny line.

"See ya later, Eden!" And with that, he sprinted off to join another student that had a pumpkin shoved on his head.

Eden loved every second of the attention. It was the finest drug mankind could ever make, she was hooked on it. Despite her cheeks that shone a strawberry red in the moonlight, Eden couldn't have thought of any other way to spend her night. Her attention turned to the moody Gary who stood in the corner like a watchman. He wasn't happy, that was obvious.

"You okay, Gary?" An overly-sweet smile played on her rosy lips.

"Why wouldn't I be, friend?" Gary spat out with a scowl, his arms across his chest defiantly.

"Just asking, you seem a teeny bit upset there, love." Eden's voice dropped into a sensual whisper as she closed the gap between them. "Could it be that you're jealous?"

"What's there to be jealous of, moron? I'm simply enjoying the view." He smirked cockily as they were chest to chest, his eyes eating up her thinly-clad curvy figure.

She reached forward and tipped his head to face her, a surge of confidence streaming throughout her body, lighting her bloodstream on fire. She was in control here.

"Maybe you should keep your eyes up here, love. We wouldn't want your eyes to wander elsewhere, now would we?"

Gary let out an audible gulp, feeling the soft pads of her fingertips brush against his skin. "What if they do?"

"Then, I might just have to..." Eden trailed off, their faces mere inches apart as her minty breath fanned his lips. "Shut you up."

Eden slammed her lips against his. Gary stumbled back at the sudden move before his arms darted to wrap around her waist, reeling her in closer. Not an ounce of space was between them, and they relished in the feverous contact of their hot bodies. Skin on skin, the sweetness of passion erupting from their locked lips, spiralling a million incoherent thoughts into one condensed moment. Eden moaned softly into the kiss, a melodic whimper of pure music to his ears. Her arms coiled around his slender neck, hands desperately diving and tugging at his mocha hair. Gary wanted more. He needed more.

"Mm, Eden." He groaned out.

The taste of sweet cherry was unmistakable on his tongue. It was her taste. His tongue swooped in, exploring the cavern of her mouth, claiming every inch as his own.

"Gary..." She whimpered out.

Her teeth attached to his bottom lip, they sunk in and nipped teasingly at his velvety smooth lips. He pulled back, catching his breath. Her eyes were ablaze with desire, carnal passion. Her eyes. They were eternal, past the point of soulful communications. Saying the unsaid words she never dared to speak.

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