Chapter Thirteen: Down Low

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The tall teenage girl stood silently behind her cherry oak door, back resting against it for support. Her chocolate curls were tied haphazardly into a low ponytail, a few stray strands falling into her face. Eden was absorbed into her thoughts, wordlessly. Eyebrows furrowed deeply, shining white teeth sunken into her bottom lip - her mind was a jumbled mess. Her glimmering emerald eyes hadn't left the floorboards once ever since she set into her own room. She could count every little scuff in the flooring.

"You can talk, you know." Gary piped up, ruffling his mocha hair.

He lied lazily on her once made bed, eyes drilling into her since she walked in. A shaky sigh left Eden's lips as she stepped over to her wardrobe, almost ripping the doors off its hinges as she shuffled around in search of her pyjamas. She was infuriated, to say the very least. Gary hopped to his feet, towering over her.

"Hey, look at me."

Eden ignored him again, still rummaging in her closet. His eyebrows narrowed down at her before he grabbed her wrist, tugging her back.


She spun around, facing him as exasperation flared up inside of her. "What?"

"You can't seriously be mad at me."

"Of course, I'm not mad Gary I'm simply ecstatic," She snatched her wrist out of his grip, grabbing her pyjamas. "I'm simply ecstatic that you nearly put Jimmy in the hospital."

"So you're sticking up for him."

She was seething, heading towards the door.

"Geez, you really are a moron." He muttered, mostly to himself rather than for her ears to hear.

Eden snapped. She flung her clothes to the ground and stomped over to the taller boy, shoving him back. His back smacked into the wall, mouth agape in shock at her.

"I am not a moron. I'm probably the only person in this school that doesn't want to beat you to a pulp. I'm trying to help you." She glowered up at him. "Would it kill you, for just a second, to be nice?"

He shrugged her off, striding past her and plopping himself down at her desk. "Yes, it would."

Gary's words were playful, he wasn't taking the situation seriously at all. He ignored, or didn't notice, just how angry Eden truly was, as he turned his back on her and started scribbling in a notebook. Eden frowned deeply, retrieving her fallen items and tucking them safely under her arm. 'Gary isn't going to change, no matter what I say or do. I suppose all I can do is just keep him safe.'

The idea seemed to pacify her racing brain, as she nodded to herself. Eden skipped over to his hunched form, pressing a sweet kiss to his cheek. A content sigh left his lips from the soft contact. He needed this side of Eden. Not the one that was angry. Never that one.

"I'm going to get changed, love. I'll grab you something to eat from the tea room downstairs."

"Make me a coffee too, no sugar though." Eden rolled her eyes at his demand. "I don't need any sugar when I'm with you, sweetness."

Her cheeks flushed at the corny line and she smacked his shoulder. "Don't try that on me. I'll be back soon."

"Make it snappy, princess." He clicked his fingers.

Eden huffed irritatedly, smacking him one last time before leaving the room, with a quiet click of the wooden door shutting behind her. Gary reclined back comfortably in the chair, stretching his aching muscles. He had run around all day and for what? Devised a plan, stayed away for how many nights and for what? For nothing to come out at the end. 

Gary Smith had lost. Through the window shone white rays of moonlight, the calming chill of the wintry night air streaming through the bedroom. The taffy curtains swayed gently in the breeze, twirling around and dancing in a fantastic fashion. He stared out at the starry night sky, his eyes landing on the boy's dorm. His mind couldn't help but wonder what was happening over in the dorm. 'Is that moron Jimmy cheering over this insignificant victory? Is femboy basking in second-hand glory. Stupid, morons. They beat me.'

He shook his head, ridding his mind of those thoughts. It was only due time until his plan was set into motion. This was only one minor setback. There were many more battles to come.

Gary's chocolate eyes landed on the photo frames atop Eden's desk, wooden frames holding intriguing photos. He rested on top of his arms, studying the first photo. The photo couldn't have been taken more than a year ago, Eden looked as stunning as ever. Her curvy figure was clad in a red dress, ending just above the knee. It was fire truck red. It clung attractively to her body, highlighting her curves and showing off her big, but beautiful figure. She wore a sweet and genuine smile, something Gary didn't see too often. Her chocolate hair fell in voluptuous curls down her back, styled meticulously to perfection. Grasped in her hand was a red balloon. 'Red Hearts Charity'. Behind her was a few other people, minding their own business, champagne and wine glasses in hand. A banner far in the background caught his eye. 'Sponsored by Eden Milenko'. He grinned almost proudly down at the photo.

"Sponsored by, huh."

He picked up the second frame. It was Eden again, of course. Behind the sheet of glass was a photo of Eden at a young age, cheeks rosy with a huge grin, as she held up a prize. A huge caramel teddy bear. Next to her was a man, kissing the top of her head. They looked almost identical. Like father, like daughter. Gary spun around, pointing at the very same teddy bear that was sitting in the corner of the room.

"I wonder if she named you." He questioned out loud, placing down the photo.

"I did."

Gary jumped, flailing about and almost falling out of his chair. Eden had snuck back in like a silent assassin the second his back was turned. Gary couldn't hold back the dark red blush that adorned his cheeks when he laid eyes on her. Her body was scantily covered by a jade nightgown, a deeper emerald green lace trimming the edges of it.

"I named him, Domovoy." She continued proudly, gaining his attention back.

Eden noticed he was eyeing her up. If this was anyone else, she'd tease and belittle them to the brink of tears. With Gary however, she relished in the attention. She loved nothing more than bringing someone powerful down to their knees. Even now his eyes were fastened to her thighs, popping out under the short dress.

"Domo... what?"

She nudged the frozen Gary with her pink bunny slipper, snapping his back into reality.

"T-took you long enough, geez. I almost starved to death." He recovered oh-so 'smoothly'.

Eden placed his hot mug of coffee on the desk before plopping herself down onto her bed. "Were you having fun snooping through my things?"

"Oh come on, like you didn't want to do the same thing in my room." He retorted, sipping from his drink.

She paused briefly, an indescribable look crossing her face. She took a sip of her coffee. 

"At least you're not boring. Who's the guy in that photo?" He continued, nodding over at the frame.

"That's my dad," A small smile floated onto her lips. "I was seven when my dad took me to the carnival back home. We went there almost every day for the week it came into town. He won me my teddy."


A comfortable silence fell among them. Eden nibbled wordlessly on a macaron, passing the plate over to Gary.

"You know..." He cleared his throat. "There's a carnival here too. It's full of weirdos."

"Don't you work in the freak show?" She joked playfully, giggling at her joke.

"I was going to say we should go together one day, but after that remark? It's a no now, moron."

She pouted grumpily. "Killjoy."



*Domovoy (Russian): a word meaning brownie, referring to the folklore of benevolent little house elves, that secretly do housework and chores.

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