Chapter Twelve: The Hole

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The tall teenager strode down the crowded corridor with an almost tangible aura of confidence, her wide hips swaying with every step she took. Classmates and onlookers eyed her with curious stares and judgemental glares. She ignored them, their hushed whispers not phasing her a single bit. Eden stared at the path ahead of her, like she was always taught to do. Their opinion of her meant very little - they meant nothing to her at the end of the day. Her face was expressionless. She had her normal resting face up on display, a 'poker face'.

The Milenko's were highly spoken of for many reasons, the main one being that they were unreadable. Alyssa and Ivan Milenko could play a poker game and not utter a single word, not show a single bit of emotion on their face. Such a gift was bestowed onto Eden, who welcomed it with open arms. It seemed to be the answer to all of her problems. She was a blank slate, her tongue scarred with teeth marks from unspoken words.


Her voice was called out in a hurry from down the hallway, interrupting her train of thoughts. She swung around to face Pinky Gauthier, the self-proclaimed 'Princess of Harrington House'. The usually condescending and tight-lipped girl had eyes wide with worry.

"Yes, Pinky?"

"You need to go find that bad boy Jimmy and his dorky friend, something is going down!" Pinky spluttered in a hushed tone, her eyes flickering over to Parker. "I need to go, see you soon!"


The words died in Eden's mouth before she had barely uttered them, watching with furrowed eyebrows as Pinky scampered off to join the taller preppy. Eden's teeth sunk down into her bottom lip, mind racing with a thousand thoughts a second. 'Jimmy and Petey, where are they? I haven't seen them at all this morning. I suppose they could be at the boy's dorm?'

Eden scowled at the filthy tiled floor with disdain. She hated running. Her body naturally jiggled when she walked, it was only worse when she ran. She stared daggers into the floor, silently wishing an escalator would appear, leading her to her friends.

She sped down the hallway, jogging past Pinky and Parker. Her pristine black loafers squeaked against the grimy tiles as she turned the corner. Her eyes landed on the front doors of the academy. Not wasting another second, she burst through them. Her eyes scanned her surroundings.

'What if they're not in the boy's dorm, where else could they be- Petey!'

Eden sprinted down the staircase, running like a madwoman towards the smaller boy.

"Petey!" She breathed with a sigh of relief, jogging to a stop in front of him. "Petey?"

He was shaking. Trembling. Sweat made little track-like marks on his forehead, trickling into beads down his temples. Pete was afraid. She reached, grabbing his arm. He jumped.

"Eden, you, you're here. Where were you?" Pete's voice came out in hushed whispers, not sparing her another glance before running off. "No, no, not important, we need to go!"

"What is happening, Petey?" She asked, following behind him.

"I-I, uhm, they, I can't..."

Eden had never seen Pete act like this. It only urged for the fear prickling at the small of her back, to crawl its way up to her throat. They jogged to the school car park before Eden grabbed his arm again. She wanted answers. She needed answers. 'If Pete's here then where is Jimmy? Where's Gary in all of this?'


Pete skidded to a halt.

"Take a deep breath. Tell me what's going on."

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