Chapter 7

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-Avril's POV-

The giant black wolf growled at me, his golden eyes feral. Gage pushed me behind him, before changing into a wolf himself. In his place, stood a silver furred wolf with gold eyes. Gage growled, lunging at Landon. They landed in a heap of fur and teeth, as they clawed and bit at each other furociously. I stood, in horror, as Landon bit down hard on Gage's front leg. Gage yelped, giving Landon the perfect opportunity to pin him down. Only this time it was a real fight. Landon latched onto Gage's neck, blood squirting onto both of the wolves' fur. This fight had gone too far. I turned toward the direction Gage appeared from, and ran, hoping to run into Aden, or another wolf.

"ADEN! ALEK!" I screamed, looking up in the sky for a trail of smoke. When I was looking up, I bumped into someone, causing me to fall on my butt. A scream errupted from my mouth, before I looked to see who it was.

"Ssh..Avril, shut up! We heard growling, whats going on?" It was Aden.

I looked up to see not only Aden, but Alek, Jeremiah, and some girl I'd never seen before. She had shoulder-length red hair, and gray eyes.

"Landon...And Gage started arguing-"

"Over what?" Aden asked.

Don't tell him why my boys are fighting. Change the subject. My wolf said.

"That doesn't matter. But Landon changed, and Gage and him are fighting, ande before I ran to get you guys, Landon was clamped down on Gage's neck." I all but snapped.

"Okay, Avril, why are they fighting? I need to know." Aden said.

I gulped. "Why?" I asked.

"If I don't know, I can't stop them!" Aden snapped.

I gulped again, sighing in defeat. "They're fighting over me."

Aden looked at me skeptically. "If Landon hadn't have told me the truth, I wouldn've laughed. Come on."

Aden's gray colored wolf got between Landon and Gage, barking. The three wolves backed away from each other, growling at each other. Both Landon and Gage were a bloodied mess. Tears pricked at my eyes, at the thought of what they look like in human form. While the three boys turned back, the unknown redhead girl pulled me away to talk.

"Quite some boy trouble you have. Two alphas fighting over you? Man, that must be hard." She said. "I'm Claudia. Claudia Lloyd. I'm assuming you're the famous Avril Faye?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, sorry about not introducing myself earlier. I just...It would've been a death sentence for me if I tried to break up the fight myself, or if I didn't find Aden."

I held my hand out, but Claudia pulled me into a full blown hug.

"Anyways, enough about that. Don't want to encourage those boys, right?" Claudia laughed, pulling me back to the clearing, where the boys were. Gage sat on one side of the field, bites and scratches all over him, and Landon on the other, with less bites and scratches as Gage. Aden kneeled by Landon, seeming to be scolding him. I immediately went over to Gage.

"Idiot." I told him bluntly.

He flashed me a smile. "Hey, if it were the twins, you would've been laughing at them, right?"

I shook my head. How wrong he was! If any of my boys were fighting, I'd be just as worried and pissed off as I am at Gage.

"No. I don't want any of my boys fighting." I said, ruffling Gage's hair.

"No touch the hair, woman." Gage grunted, grabbing my hand.

He sounded so much like a caveman, that I laughed.

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